/balt/ + /ausnz/

karjalanpiiraka edition

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>be me
>look at job applications
>want to apply
>think that I might take this job from someone who might need it more or be better at it
>don't apply for a job

am I the only sperg who thinks like this?


There is no internal force to cycle the action, tons of magazine fed ones though.
You could maybe use some mechanical element like a spring or something you preload with force that activates once you fire once and resets the crossbow.

Attached: Bachelor thesis.png (1170x972, 54.79K)

No, I just suffer from a severe case of inferiority complex and fear that I will apply to a position where I am severely under qualified to be at and become a burden on the company

I don't know, we haven't discussed that, I just mentioned that I only worked with beer


nii, nüüd hakkab eesti jõutund :DDDDDDD

Attached: t. eesti.gif (445x250, 1.41M)

Hit up some books or watch videos, do a quick crash course on bartending, if you have some other skills try to incorporate them.