Have 4 sisters and no brothers

>Have 4 sisters and no brothers
>Incel virgin freak
Sorry dad the lineage ends here

Attached: He Smokey.png (680x717, 161.86K)

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>4 sisters
It doesn't have to. You KNOW what you have to do.

Attached: rrvqfxrtkif01.jpg (361x254, 18.1K)

>183 autistic manlet
>twin bro
>195cm athlete
the line will partially continue father

Attached: 1583373089025.jpg (522x536, 37.96K)

bazirana incelčuga


>dad has 3 sons
>all 3 of us end up khhv autists
sometimes i wonder what he did in a previous life to deserve this

Our parents generation basically didnt put any thought into raising confident and competent boys. They can thank themselves

Could always be worse. I work at the same place with some old fag and it turns out he has a twin brother who is also gay and they are the only children. I can't imagine being the father of that mess

Why can't whitoids into sex? Just talk to women and have patience, literally

The lineage will carry on, it's the surname that will dissapear