Are there asian cucks who watch wmaf porn like whites who watch bmwf?
t. CHI
Are there asian cucks who watch wmaf porn like whites who watch bmwf?
Yes, there are alot of them, they're just not as vocal
t. gook in norway
How would you know
i'm one of them, that's how
I'm fucking disgusted by myself, but it's the only thing that turns me on now
why are americans so obsessed with cuck porn?
seek help
it also doesn't help that i am literally living in that situation in real life
i went to a high school with a super high % of vietnamese students relative to their total population in norway, and the prettiest vietnamese girl in my year by far EXCLUSIVELY dated white Norwegian guys.
even after high school ended she updated her facebook with two new white boyfriends, one of which she's been together with for many years now and she's probably going to marry.
All the asian boys in my school felt sexually marginalised to the extreme, and it pushed me over the edge so i finally caved in.
based gookbro.
i wanna smash a gook whore in front of you and let you eat my german cum