Are there asian cucks who watch wmaf porn like whites who watch bmwf?
t. CHI
Are there asian cucks who watch wmaf porn like whites who watch bmwf?
Yes, there are alot of them, they're just not as vocal
t. gook in norway
How would you know
i'm one of them, that's how
I'm fucking disgusted by myself, but it's the only thing that turns me on now
why are americans so obsessed with cuck porn?
seek help
it also doesn't help that i am literally living in that situation in real life
i went to a high school with a super high % of vietnamese students relative to their total population in norway, and the prettiest vietnamese girl in my year by far EXCLUSIVELY dated white Norwegian guys.
even after high school ended she updated her facebook with two new white boyfriends, one of which she's been together with for many years now and she's probably going to marry.
All the asian boys in my school felt sexually marginalised to the extreme, and it pushed me over the edge so i finally caved in.
based gookbro.
i wanna smash a gook whore in front of you and let you eat my german cum
gonna go fap
What part of Norway?
not saying incase i get doxxed
Seek help, go see a counselor or therapist.
You have insecurity issues, you need to stop or else you'll kill yourself or go on an incel shooting spree
But literally nothing else makes me horny
Believe me, I've tried and it doesn't work
I should just become asexual i guess, there's no hope for an asian loser like me in any nordic country
>t. gook in norway
What's happening with fucking Europe?
Every single poster is non-white there what the hell?
Holy shit dude
All the whites are wageslaving.
It’s pretty hot, I can only cum to the futa ones though. So pretty much just some captions images and audio files of it, which is rare.
No I watch exclusively hentai and jav.
t. chink
it all came down to this hahaha
asian boys are literally the most useless creation besides the plastic packaging of scissors
If my nigger Cambodian friends can get girlfriends, so can you. Just go back to 'Nam and get a mail order wife
Back when I was 13, I didn't know anything about porn. 99% of the porn was white-on-white. Then months later I found out an Asian woman. I like that. So I started looking up "Asian". As you know, looking up that tag means it would be WMAF porn. I didn't really care, since the woman was Asian. Then as I grew older I realize how weird it was and I stopped. Now I mostly play porn games and read doujins, Or JAVs, but censorship is pretty shit.
Holy based
i only watch BMAF
Christ what aa statement
I’m a white male and only watch white on white or Dredd’s BBC scenes.
The BLACKED sites just aren’t the same anymore.
If you take a look at when Greg Lansky stopped directing and guiding the site forward you see the change clearly. Those first few years were about 'soft' sex under the thin veil of whatever the scene was about - the story was unimportant, the prelude was unimportant, it was just a way to get two people in the same room. There were some industry vets and big names but there were also a lot of relative newcomers and unknowns. Raceplay was nowhere present so you had a lot of debuts and the sense that this was 'safe' IR propelled them away from clown shows like Dogfart, LP, and to some extent BB. The guys were nearly all clean cut and respectable looking, very little dom/sub posing or attitude, so by and large it was just two good-looking people hooking up.
Then Lanksy stops moving the site forward and starts to party. The momentum carries forward because unreleased shots come out steadily but you see the slow change in the talent being cast and the overall mood of the scenes but eventually Lansky goes full retard with Vixen parties and Instagram. Now you get guys who looked like someone had to post their bail to get them on set, the domination atmosphere is more pervasive, and the action is much more physical and a lot less 'romantic' or natural. You have the new guys constantly having wood issues, they cast male talent that have no business being on camera let alone on a flagship IR site, and production shifts overseas in dramatic fashion. Joss and Gong can hold down some production in Europe but you're limited to only two guys and in the case of Joss he doesn't appear very regularly anymore so Gong is carrying the burden of the work.
Back in the US they're pulling guys off of Twitter and Insta and it shows. They rely on played out underperformers who couldn't cut it on, of all networks, Bangbros then you get the whole Louie mess, etc...
i-is this copypasta...
Blacked Raw get the best females. Mature and curvy yet it is trash mainly do to rimming, anal, to much blowjob than penetration, and footwear/lingerie. Blacked is off and on with their quality, but barely any unique chicks, just skinny, blonde or same recasting over and fkin over. I been watching since 2014, it started like a casting couch layout (which isn't my taste) slowly around 2015 came into its own. As of 2018-2019, this game changing site became redundant for repetitive castings while blacked raw fetishes took hold rather than good ole fashion fully nude females & vaginal scene...also the black male inability to keep pounding from start to finish without constant 4-5 min blowjobs in between position got annoying quick. If I were to rate both sites: blacked receive 5/10 and blacked raw gets 3/10. Ironically enough (for me at least) they're still better than dogfart and bang bros.
>mfw westernized asian pretend to being asian
obvious cuck larp