After a lifetime of raping and murdering you finally get caught. This was your 13th victim and they got you, fuck. O no. Now what? You've been sentenced to exile in Australia. Well, at least down there you can rape the beautiful native ladies and nobody will stop you. After a horrible 9 month journey you finally arrive, and are greeted by this. How do you proceed?
After a lifetime of raping and murdering you finally get caught. This was your 13th victim and they got you, fuck. O no...
Sounds like the perfect punishment if you ask me
rape. might as well since I'm a serial rapist.
not even playing along when i say i had more-than-forcible sex in saipan, hawaii, and fiji
they were at parties so maybe it didnt seem like big deal but it have weighed heavy on my conscious for years
how is that thing considered human?
amazing how you can remember what your mother asked the doctors when you were born
I'm not a rapist nor a murderer. But euros were fucking jerks to native people of their colonies. Let's start sending our human scum there, instead of actually dealing with them properly and see how it goes.
all people living outside of the borders of Holland are qualified as human.
French were good to their colonies.
For waffle standards sure.