You are now the President of the United States

You are now the President of the United States.

Which 3 rules will you enact in place to change the country?

Attached: trump-president-donald-j-trump.jpg (768x768, 59.97K)

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Smoke weed everyday

Ban Reddit
Ban Twitter
Ban Mc Donalds

invade canada
kill all whites
nuke europe

1. everyone who is not at least 80% native is illegal
2. death penalty for illegals

Progressive tax on wealth
Raise progressive income tax
Force other countries to cooperate on fiscal/wealth/capital fluxes etc.

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1-You need a degree to get a chance at attaining citizenship
2-Try and reclaim as much of the 2nd ammendment as possible. At least get rid of SBR/supressor laws and import restrictions
3-Decrease military spending and put it towards infrastructure repair and education.

Open borders
Free citizenship for everyone
Free healthcare and education for all immigrants

Eliminate porn 100%, eliminate gay propaganda, eliminate communist influence.

1. i build a BIG BIG BIG wall to keep all the baddies out
2. i SQUISH china
3. military leader asks if he can drop a big bIG BIG bomb on a baddie and i say YES

I would make it legal to kill people with american citizenship

the last one you did decades ago.

Ban all forms of social media, even if it mean shutting Zig Forums down.

Regulate the mainstream media to only report objective facts. (Do away with all editorial pieces.)

Enact a law to extradite all Jews to Israel as soon as possible.

>Americans have been getting ripped off for years. All the best braphogs were in Brazil until I became president. And don't get me started on those fat Mexican culos. We did a terrible job, absolutely terrible. Obama? He oversaw millions of Americans flying south to sniff the finest of Latina flatulence. I don't blame 'em, if I were Brazilian I'd be getting Americans to follow their nose thousands of miles. Well, I changed that. After signing the Sniff American Act, I'm proud to say that America is back in the business of brapping, fuelled by American-grown soy and corn. Best in the world again. Even President Bolsonaro called me up and said, "Listen, I know we lost, but I gotta hand it to you, I never expected you to turn around the American natural gas sector so fast." Everyone knows I brought back coal, clean coal, but what we did here was unprecedented. We worked tremendously hard and succeeded like nobody ever has before. I hired all the best people to get it done. *inhales deeply* Even Shifty Schiff can't resist a whiff. *inhales audibly* That was a wet one like you wouldn't believe.

Attached: trump brap accident.jpg (500x333, 39.35K)


nuke china, nuke israel, bring segregation back

We all eagerly await your death.

Niggers go back to africa.
Jews are expelled to israel.
All financial assistance to israel and third world countries end.

and you bankrupt the country in 1 year.
then what?

Blacks forced back to Africa
Jews to Israel
High speed railway

There are only 3 mlns of Natives in US.
That's not much

>give myself state-mandated access to the hottest women, whose hotness is calculated by MIT researchers (I give them the criteria)
>make porn illegal
>probably fix the roads and build some cool stuff or whatever

1. kick out BALESTINIANS
2. kick out Beduim
3. kick out Orthodox Jews.

New amendment to the constitution: Black lives matter.

I'd open up the borders fully, especially encouraging 3rd world migration to Georgia, Texas, Florida. Full citizenship on arrival. European migrants won't be allowed as they may bring bigotry with them. I'd abolish the entire military, ban guns and put the money into planned parenthood and propaganda to abort children (white ones). Id work on fertility drugs to be given out mandatorily to 15 year old non white girls to get them started early pumping out ideally 3-4 children by the time they are 20.

Then his job is done

-abolish 13th amendment
-abolish all government regulations on all industry (this includes all drugs being legalized)
-anyone who has ever pushed commie\leftist shit in any pubic forum\internet\media is declared an enemy combatant and sent to gitmo

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Don't copy China.

What will we do about the Bed*im?

they dont have any

1. public executions for members of the media
2. social media ban
3. opt in segregation and ethno states for every ethnicity

facts are subjective, it's how you report it


Noone said I'm supposed to change it for the better

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