
Eagrán Forógra na Poblachta

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Buenos días user, veo que tu hilo es casi muerto, no sería si hubieras aprendido español

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cén chaoigh a bhfuil tú a buachaillí?

Ah lads
Life is fucking amazing isn't it?
We have all the 17 year old Asian females we need

tá sé go deas

tinn tuirseach

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what's the story with visiting the doctor lads?
can we do it yet

have any of ye done so since this covid thing started

fuck off

an féidir leat rud éigin eile a dhéanamh le do chuid ama le do thoil….

Is féidir leat, ach tá níos mó moill orthú má tá cúis tábhachtach agat agus brú ort gan a dul nuair nach bhfuil rud mór agat.

>When the Swedish rulers tried to teach them to eat with forks, they were too stupid to do it and instead pierced their tongues. The wounds infected, leading to many deaths. This is why for a very long time, the Finnish people mostly ate with spoons.

Do we want Ireland to be Irish?? Do we want Ireland to be Ireland?? Or do we want to be West Britain?

Cén fath nach bhfuil tú ag caint as gaeilge?

I am not Irish. I have no reason to.

Then post in another thread please.


But why keep this thread in English when /brit/ already exists?


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can hiberno men understand this?

Mu 'n rìgh ghrad dh'èirich triathan borb;
Ghlac iad uile an sleigh le colg;
Las sùil gun fhocal 'n am beul,
'N anam 'g èirigh àrd do na trèin.
Air sgèith chualas screadan nan lann;
Ghab iad uil' am monadh fo 'n ceann;
Sheas na fir 'an duibhre liath,
Air àrdaibh ciar na h-oidhche,
'Bristeadh dùrdan nan duan ciuin
Air osaig ùir nan sliabh.

Different cultures, politics and current events

the fádas are the wrong way, but yes


Well, maybe we should have a general for Bavaria, Occitania, Galicia, Catalonia, NO! Lets have a general for every city!

idfk what it is in english but it changes the sound of a vowel to a broad sound

all of those places used to or do have different languages than what their country has, except for Galicia.

the next irish language census is in 2021, I want you all fluent by then, SOUND GOOD!?

oh. stràc throm. it isn't the wrong way you imbecile.

Sounds good!

why would I learn irish when im in Scotland and never will go to Ireland?

How about you learn Scottish Gaelic? Lets make it our mission to all learn the language of our ancestors! By 2021 I want all Scots of Zig Forums to speak Gaelic, Irish to speak Irish and Finns to speak Finnish! Say no to oppressors!

why should all scots learn gaelic when nearly all of their ancestors haven't spoken it in lots of parts?

We, the Irish people, the true sons of /eire/, we have had ENOUGH of English tyranny! We have had enough of disgracing our ancestors. We will say FUCK YOU to those English who did horrible things to Irish people when they spoke Irish. We are now allowed to speak our own language, so we will learn it! And in a few years the main language of Ireland will be IRISH!

Then learn another old language. Scots is not a language. It is an accent.

Dont let your oppressors win!!!!

it is the wrong way
I'm not addressing you gaybos
if you had balls and a love for your country you would, yet you come here to shit on your fellow gaelbros
we aren't being oppressed though, irish needs to be taught differently in school to how it is now

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Entretanto deberíamos a aprender español y eventuamente le relegamos a una idioma segunda, bien plan fennanon!

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