Blue regions: white
Brown regions: nonwhite
Blue regions: white
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf im not white?
>20-49% in my region
(x) doubt
What happens in the top part of scandinavia? No one lives there?
The reason Romanians are so brown is because of gypsy, turk and med blood. Quite the heritage, I would be proud to have such a diverse cultural background to draw from.
slavs arent white
>source: trust me dude
also england and ukraine being colored in brown makes no sense
England might have updated their numbers (pakis and pajeets)
Thank god but when will the rest of the world start to treat us that way?
>le eye color meme
Ok Canuckistan
Eye color is what separates the white race from the other races. It's the unique trait. Asians have slit eyes as their unique trait. Africans have pitch black skin as theirs.
white is a concept made up by americans as a cope for their lack of cultural identity
yeah no, i'm still waiting for that source
>Eye color is what separates the white race from the other races. It's the unique trait.
>Random 1 in 100 million negro with an unrelated mutation that causes deafness as a side effect
Ok then.
And what did you want to prove? That boy is obviously whiter than meds
He's a canadian, so he's basically an american
And proud
fuck outta here nigga i aint white
Never heard of Sami?
holy fuck you're all retarded, that image is VERY obviously photoshopped, as are 99% of the "muh black kid with blue eyes" pictures
Why is this board so obsessed with an americanized/eurocentric/anglosaxonized/teutonized pseudoscientific conception of race? I literally get shivers from how embarrassing some statements on here are. I never even gave thought to these things prior to encountering this place
I didn't even bother expanding the pic. But yeah now that I did you can clearly see the pupils are fake as fuck.
poopoo eyes detected
yes but that is concentrated in the cities, not the south
Bosanchugo vrati se u spilju ooooga booooga mrsh
Another fake
Nothing pseudoscientific about anthropology
Celtic genes?
Do you want reparations?
t. ching chong eyes
no it's not.
it's you! congratz white man!
this isn't anthopology. it's Zig Forums autism
white regions: blue
Forget that theory but haven't anglos been mixing all over the world for centuries now?
I'd rather be ethnically Pygmy than measure my personal worth by what an Englishman or German said
do you think the average person in the uk is a mutt like in croatia?
I am non-white, brown-eyed half Armenian.
I wish I was full Armenian.
You are a nigger ahahahahaha
armenian is another word for jew, which all white americans are.
But fuck money I want all the cool things that come with not being white:
Freedom to be racist, no cultural Marxism, white women sucking my big Balkan cock, black women being cuckqueens on the side...
Nowadays? Absolutely
Historically? Possibly
I would like to get gibs from a western country because “muh systematic racism”
Fucking BASED
>You are a nigger
No, I am half Armenian.
Maybe the other half is what makes me that, though.
>191cm Chad
>Blue eyes
>Dark curly hair
>18.5cm cock
Get on my lvl brah
I would take picture of my cock to show you that I am not lying but jannies would ban me so its not worth it
>my eyes is blue so i'm white and shiiiet, black people can't have a big chance for it I told u
Have we interacted before?
Also, did I ask for any of that information?
El nigro de las Ruskias
If you really are that, I feel sorry for you