*Follows you into your home*

>*Follows you into your home*
What is the correct move here?

Attached: tmg-article_tall.jpg (640x853, 68.9K)

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Eat it

leave it outside

pet kot

pet it and maybe give it some food

Stomp your foot once, the cat will understand.

Unleash my dog on it


First then

Adopt him as a backyard cat if he has no owner

Kiss it

Attached: Chu.png (967x957, 911.79K)

Give it some chicken or something

Pretend that you don't know him, don't look at him, and try to hold your tears

I have a stray cat that wanders into my house a couple times a week. I feed her, brush her a bit and pet her. Then she leaves while purring.

retard. cats destroy the native fauna.
kill it

nooo not le birdenerinos

give unending care

you might not know what it feels like, but at least your anger against god can be justified with how easy it is to be the world to some creature.


It's a Norwegian forest cat, it's a native species...

No it's not. It's not a Swedish forest cat

Sodomize it and post gore in .tor domains

The Norwegian Forest cat is a Scandinavian breed. Not just Norwegian.

Shoot it. Wild cats are a menace.

Fuck, now I remembered the time I fired a felyne in MHFU

id probably let him in and give him something to eat then let him out when he wanted to

No, it is a swedish cat, not norwegian. They took your mushrooms, don't let them take your cats.

kick it out again

tell it to get a job and start paying rent

put some food and water outside

Pet kot. Give him some food and water. He can live just outside.

Since we're anonymous I will confess that I go outside late at night and feed stray cats. I told an old gf this and she started laughing at me.

Fuck ugly cats nonetheless, stomp the fucker