
The nature of interracial violence in the United Kingdom edition

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>the prose was bad and it was bland
literally the sort of thicko analysis a 12 year old would write in their english essay, so why am I not surprised that's the standard mboko is at?

the reading stabber was christian and rorke is done in

They're so up their own arses aren't they

They probably didn't do anything with English in school, ignore them

First I'm hearing of it, got a link?

BAME terrorist stabs 3 white men to death and all leftypol can think about is how a White Lives Matter banner makes him angry

surprised whites and asians murder eachother about the same rate. whenever you hear about anti-white attacks it’s always asians not blax

>dramatically cheaper than most non-chain other pubs (especially in London & The South
>pretty much the same food and drinks wherever you are
>app to order on if you're autistic
>no danger of the pub being weird, empty, full of judgemental locals etc. etc.
it's a safe bet basically.... I don't know anyone whose favourite pub is a spoons, but they're pretty good

there are a couple other companies that own far more pubs than spoons... 4-5x the amount, but their pubs are not branded as the same, for whatever reason. I guess spoons just aimed at the low end of the market and the other pub cos think it's more profitable to charge £5 for a pint and maybe attract less custom.


beefy poz loads

to be leftist is to be anti-white

Are You Bantering Me? holds more value than entirety of Joyce's work.

He was off his head from cannabis and had all kinds of mad delusions. This is only news because we've spent decades normalising extremely dangerous mind altering substances.

imagine thinking that an Eton teacher being on an admissions panel for Cambridge was not a conflict of interest and maintaining elitism and they were there purely on a meritocratic basis.

yes this was /brit/ earlier everyone.

Surprised with Asians. I thought White-on-Asian was higher, at least the US stats say that. Why are Asians in UK violent compared tonAsians in US? You have more Vietnamese than Chinese/Japs/Koreans or what??

Sorry, I forgot you had to write literary essays on /brit/ to prove your point.

You sound like such a spacker lad, just drop it and take the L. The Irish lad has ran laps around you

Pub equivalent of McDonalds
Yeah we definitely don’t have one of those but that’s mental

>Joyce was the best novelist ever
Oh my DAYS
How can you criticise someone's prose and claim this?
Guaranteed you haven't successfully read Joyce
You've fallen for the incomprehensible = more profound meme

Already admitted it was from Zig Forums like a mong when he asked if that's where it was from. Thought he was just trying to make small talk.
This is London, not fucking Texas


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Any yank in

but most people don't even pay attention to prose - unless its an old book in which case they'll say its ""pretentious"" because they couldn't read it as casually as they would a magazine

Joyce's prose was bad and his themes were bland

>literally the sort of thicko analysis a 12 year old would write in their english essay, so why am I not surprised that's the standard mboko is at?

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miss the 190 that used to love a bit of casual racism me

fucking Oath

>Joyce was the best novelist ever

howling. utter delusion

"asian" includes south asians
i.e. pakis and you lot
we don't have that many chinks

your post's prose is bad and bland, therefore I will ignore it

>You've fallen for the incomprehensible = more profound meme
Please don’t assume everybody is as stupid as you are.

1984 was shit. George Orwell isn’t a particularly talented writer. Umad?

Yeah interesting
There are a lot of pubs here owned by Woolworths (grocery retailer) but there’s no linking factor between them like food decor prices app etc

Pakis innit
Wouldn't like to be Indian, your pakis have nukes.

bullshit, he was on a watchlist for islamic terrorism

hard to dispute

Socially right / Economically Left is the only way to salvage Europe
Capitalism is genuinely the most destructive force to authentic culture there has ever been, including Maoism

mad how casual smoking was not that long ago. was a 10-a day smoker myself before I quit cold-turkey
>wasn't giving champixberg a red cent however hard it was

glad smoking tobacco as a cultural and accepted practice has fallen by the wayside and not something zoomers even think of taking up

so peter hitchens has been proven right yet again and somehow rorke has lost?

He sounds like an arsehole bloody hell
Like Zig Forums isn’t inherently evil very bizarre take on his part particularly as you innocuously posted a picture of a cat

good post, good lad

Didn't watch him very close did they.

>Capitalism is genuinely the most destructive force to authentic culture there has ever been, including Maoism

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was shit. George Orwell isn’t a particularly talented writer
oof, but also yikes

smoking was based ffs

so? did you admit it in writing?

if you hear the name Joyce and the first thing you think of is a 'novellist' instead of the boxer Joe Joyce

you're a virgin

sorry to say it

mad how i can post the most inane shite imaginable and bruce will still (You) me with a "good post, good lad"

Joyce was such an amazing novelist, and if you disagree and you haven't read Dubliners or Ulysses, please STFU about anything relating to literary criticism. You are chatting shit and people that have read these books are embarrassed by your arrogance, ignorance and idiocy.

Peter Hitchens isn't rorke.

Smoke this
*unzips dick*

My original criticism of 1984:

>It’s not terribly animated, nor is it very captivating. It’s not ornate and beautiful and it’s not minimalistic enough to be profound. It’s middling and often meandering. Ok?

If you’ve read the piece of shit that is 1984 you would agree. If you possessed any literary intelligence you would agree. George Orwell produced some innovative themes, but he wasn’t a talented writer.

one minute lad going for a fag. should quit myself. £12 for a pack of marlboro red its insane

ahahaha good lad

Orwell’s non-fiction was a lot better than his fiction, otherwise I agree

listening to this now


>Capitalism is genuinely the most destructive force to authentic culture there has ever been, including Maoism
Come the fuck on lad.
I mean I know what you're saying about capitalism but the Maoists went out of their way to destroy as much of Chinese culture as they could.

he literally doesn't know what prose is. he's repeating shit other people have told him.

leftypol trusting the cousins of a man who stabbed 3 people to death in a park who live in libya and haven't seen the stabber for years who is also on MI5's watchlist over the authorities who have declared it was a terrorist incident

The casualities of the Reading terrorism incident were the direct victims of the collapse of British National Identity and Public Morals. The blood is on Leftypols weed stinking JF hugging hands and nobody else's

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George Orwell's non-fiction is far superior to his fiction. Particularly his best work, "Homage to Catalonia".
I think Orwell fiction fans are the plebs, whereas Orwell non-fiction fans are the patricians. Amazing essayist too.

Grengfell tower

I don't like Poe.
The raven was alri but the rest is way too dense for me.

written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure

mad that picture of Rory Stewart with the black fella, tells you everything you need to know about the future of Britain

>George Orwell's non-fiction is far superior to his fiction. Particularly his best work, "Homage to Catalonia".
>I think Orwell fiction fans are the plebs, whereas Orwell non-fiction fans are the patricians. Amazing essayist too.

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Anybody know if there are any UK statistics for crime by race adjusted for socio-economic characteristics? Want to know if blacks really do commit more crime for non-poverty-related reasons or if it's just rorke going off on one again


It’s an authors style of writing you fucking mong and Orwell’s attempt at captivating fictional prose is crap.

>the Maoists went out of their way to destroy as much of Chinese culture as they could.
Do you know anything about traditional Chinese Confucian culture? Ever seen those liveleak videos, where people are dying on the streets and others just walk past? That's due to Confucianism and it's teaching to only focus on one's own family. Maoists were insane but they understood that Chinese culture was backward and needed to change.

Between this, your spacing and your Joyce shilling you reek of redditor
In all seriousness, Orwell was an average novelist but a great essayist.
Joyce wasn't even Ireland's best writer, that's probably Yeats
But enjoy your Finnegan's Wake I guess

Completely agree, don’t think his novels were bad though but they weren’t amazing either

Anyone else like me can stand over the toilet and dribble piss forever?

Imagine thinking Orwell was a commie.
Imagine being this thick and still trying to present yourself as a reasonable man.

I fucking loved Orwell's Down and Out in Paris & London, just because I don't think his prose is that good doesn't mean he's a shit writer. The Irish user wasn't even talking about that anyway, some idiot just started having a go at him.

Yeah unfortunately on the company slack server
He is like a real life leftypol, but actually probably mentally ill in a high functioning sort of way

We're all forgetting one of the victims was American. Small mercies.

A Homage to my deluded commie friends just before the Stalinists purged them and i went home to sit out the rest of the war in comfort because i got bored with larping more like lmaooooo

>human resources
Abso-fuckin-lutely not. When I worked at starbucks I gave my manager advice on the best handgun for concealed carry, other coworkers have asked me as well. one manager I had was a black lesbian who loved the hamilton musical and she and I swapped stories about romping out in the country shooting cans and shit.
Only convo I had with an HR guy about guns was about carrying at work, they wouldn’t let me but said I could keep it in my car, which was fine.

Was going to say cannot imagine this sort of thing happening in Aus

I wasn't aware that leftypol supported regime change in Libya. I support the Tories are off the hook for that as well right?


>socio-economic characteristics
I still don't know what this means.

George Orwell didnt even exist you muppets his name was Eric Blair you're literally arguing over a spook oh my days

Kusmeh bro


every cloud

I think the point of that retort was to show that the original poster was a communist who felt his ideology was attacked by Orwell's fiction work and not that George Orwell was a communist

I wonder where all the romantic socialists writing about their adventures in Rojava are???
I mean the Spanish Civil War was a big part of culture at the time.

It's true, Down & Out... & Homage... are his best works

desu I haven't even read Animal Farm LOL!

Good news lads:
I've adopted a Tapir from my local zoo
His name is Rofolo

Heard the rest were poms. based desu

>Down and Out in Paris & London
Love Boris me

Some hasn't read it

look at it this way. Blacks primarily live in the most prosperous cities in all of human history. If they can't make it there they aren't going to make it anywhere no matter how many youf centahs you build

the fact that crime and poverty are correlated is automatically taken to mean that poverty causes crime, not that similar attitudes or behavior patterns may contribute to both poverty and crime

Say gday to rofolo for us

Reminder that George Orwell was an Indian.

no that would be burmese days and keep the aspidistra flying


He's bringing up Finnegan's Wake just to sound clever, forgetting Joyce's best works. Why do idiots do this?

a long time ago i remember seeing an argument on a forum and someone adjusted prison race statistics for the poverty rates of various races. whites and asians were almost bang on proportional and blacks were still over represented.

Orwell was anti-Stalinism and hated the USSR you mong.

will do

George Orwell (real name Eric Arthur Blair)