>one chance at life
>born in east*rn europe
Old :
>one chance at life
>born in east*rn europe
Old :
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last post, just to bump
Only a few km west and I would have been born in a first world country, being able to enjoy life at its fullest.
Excluding the burger flags, name 1(one) b&r balk poster. We literally have none anymore. Place has become a complete cesspit.
Its LITERALLY 4 in the morning here, why do you think I posted that OP, to attract more NA people, its your shift
>second wave of coronachan in korea and china
time to move back to the village with your babuskas bros
No one will come to this shitheap. And the rest of the internet has gotten fucked. I think it's time we call it, it was a good run. Unironically just make a /tranny/ general next and let the bulgarians shit it up as they please. No need to drag this poor corpse around anymore.
Proofs?For being so small shithole we have a lot of infested per capita
I read some reports about China a few days ago but this just popped up on my yt feed:
for the real doomporn I guess
As I said, balk is pretty much a circlejerk LARPers pointing fingers at eachother.
Only content it has and a few memes is during elections or if some autist carries a meme on his own for a while
Good, I find the quarantine comfy ngl.
I feel only bad for old people and already sick who die from it, I dont care about MUH ECONOMY or sports and shit being canceled
It's a novel virus.
Just because it kills the elderly and infirm first doesn't mean it's harmless for the rest of us. I've read reports of lasting lung damage in people who barely exhibited symptoms.
The real concern is that it's now endemic and it will just keep infecting us and keep infecting us until we finally succumb to it.
Immunity and vaccines seem like a bit of a pipedream, the cold is a coronavirus and we catch it all the time.
Shit is fucked bro.
Albania? I think you're better off in North Macedonia by far.
I had it. Wouldn't even have known about it had someone else in the family not had it superficially worse and gotten us tested. Stop reading the schizo general. Boomers absolutely ruined us, I hope they pay for this.
I mean there are no proofs as you said.
Ive also read that they say it causes lifelong effects on the lungs, but ive also read that it doesnt.
Ive read that it affects babies and then it doesnt.
Some say it affects only the elderly and sick, others say everyone, third say its random and a 80 yr old can survive it while a young 20yr old can die.
All I know is that its not "nothingburger" since (((they))) lose gorillions over it and they wouldnt even mind putting lambs to the slaughter if it could save them
What was it like?I dont even rember when was the last time I had a fly, what do u feel what is it like?,
Yeah, as I said, there are reports of lasting lung damage in people who barely exhibited symptoms.
A few of my friends have had it too.
Herpes and chickenpox are virus' and they stay in your body forever.
If it was "just the flu, bro" there would not have been a lockdown and there would be no "new normal" sht is obviously fucked.
generic fever. Slightly higher temperature and body aches for a few days. No cough or shortness of breath. I was still exercising and shit. My people had no respiration problems either but they reported feeling more exhausted than usual in their daily routine.
I just did a 5 mile jog and I report no problems. Neither does anyone else I know. Intubation probably would cause lung damage anyway irrelevant of any sickness. I'm not gonna say it's a complete nothingburger, but there's a large component of media hysteria to it. Give boomers a bunch of numbers 24/7 and they loose their fucking minds. Honestly legacy media should just be completely dismantled as it is now a threat to national security.
Yup, boomers will be mindlessly consuming whatever is fed to them.
Only problem ((they)) have now is young people researching things online and making up their own mind.
Thats why they desperately try to censor everything on the internet in the name of "hate speech" and they witchhunt whoever doesnt have herd mentality.
If you are not a NPC 100% agreeing with the masses in the West you need to start every sentence with "im not racist but-" "im not trump supporter but-"
Also our hospital service is absolute garbage. Nursing homes were complete slaughter houses as well. God knows how many boomers were just starved to death by goblina nurses. Heroes my ass. Probably killed more than the virus.
Oh yeah the internet has become an insufferable cesspit and all in the blink of an eye. These days I have to take time outs and have some real life interactions to calm my nerves. It used to be the opposite. It's why the redditors in here piss me off so much. They've infested literally every other place on the web, and now they're here to fuck this one too. The internet shouldn't be for chatting and socializing you dumb normies. Do that shit irl.
Always found nursing homes really sad, they dont exist here.They kind of do, but old people only stay there for a certain ammount of time after surgery, since maybe medical assistance may be needed and for better recovery.
Funny you mentioned that, I was reading some black woman blogging about how she is a nurse and a new patient she got said "i fucking hate niggers" right to her face while she and another black colleague were present, point of the story was how she felt bad etc..
Well every single comment was telling her how she should starve him and harass him and tell him he will die alone etc..
Its sad how much this must happen, there was even a video of a nigger punching a woman connected on tubes in the face
Yup 100% right.Thing is internet WAS kind of a boys club.Im not that old, but I remember and value technology, we went from pentium 1, 2 to modern PC, from shitty phones to modern ones.
From finding out to pirate games and patch them manually.
From having communities and forums who were for actual information and not attentionfagging.
As it became mainstream and everyone joined in it all went downhill.I feel like it used to have way less content and users on the internet, but you could find something and learn it easier.Now its all attentionfagging and virtue points.
Zoomers grow up with smartphones from toddlers and modder and user communities are replaced with consumer circlejerk and attentionwhores.
I'll give you niggas a bump.
It's nearly daylight here and I'm several degrees north of you, and several hours behind.
It goes way deeper than "normies ruined the internet" and I don't know that we can put that genie back in the bottle at this point. The more legacy media tries to defame random fb groups, this site, or random schizo wp sites, the more people feel that they somehow "know the truth". The bare faced lies the establishment feed us combined with desperate economic circumstances and social media is dangerous and we are on a serious collision course... for something, idk what but it's not good. Look at qanon and BLM for examples, people are losing their fucking minds.
It's not even that most of the time. They just have the most horrendous work ethic imaginable. They wouldn't even save their own. Absolutely soulless urban husks, blackpill incarnate.
Günaydın Osmanlıcı. Erkencisin bugün?
Soz Laci. I had slept by the time you replied to me. I think it is. I don't really know how popular it is with tourists but it is a big deal and every Turk knows about it. It is a UNESCO world heritage site and it is thought to be the first temple ever.
>Not showering every day
If you are intubated your odds of living are shortened significantly in any case, especially when it comes to the wuhan coronavirus.
My pal who caught it boxes regularly and doesn't smoke or anything and he's reporting shortness of breath months after he caught it (because he was a dopey fuck and went into town (london) after it was already a thing here)
Anecdotal I know but I'm reading reports that say MRI scans are showing damaged lungs in minor and even asymptomatic cases. YMMV.
cold dog
>You remember the summer of 2014
Şu anda iş nedeniyle genellikle uyanığım. Dün aktif olmadığım için özür dilerim: ev IP adresim yasaklandı (birisi VPN kullandı) ve değiştiremedim.
Sorun değil kral. Kolay gelsin işinde. Sık sık gelmene sevindim yine de. Eskiden ayda bir uğrardın. Severiz seni, bilirsin :D
What happened?
Bad stuff. But I recovered.
I feel tempted to visit the people whom I was with that summer so they can see I have changed. But I can't bring myself to do it. I'll do it next summer, maybe; after 6-7 years.