This was built 2000 years before the Greek Parthenon. Bet you feel small now huh?

This was built 2000 years before the Greek Parthenon. Bet you feel small now huh?

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Well it was made by Russians so no.

look what the black man has accomplished, before whitoids escaped their cages

yeah I feel small... until I unzip deez nuts

What the FUCK was Yakub thinking?

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>Mammoths were still alive when the Russians built the pyramids

ancient egyptians were nordic

>Big pile of stones

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Why don't we clone them back into existence, how hard can it be?

>the pyramids were more ancient to the romans than the romans are to us

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pretty sure there are plans to do this, we have all necessary genetic material and suitable surrogate species

ancient egpytians were most likely nordic (most pharaohs have been described as having light eyes and light hair) and so was ancient greece.

>surrogate species
Imagine cuckolding all those elephants but making their women give birth to BIG WVLLY MAMMOTH BVLLS

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you would literally die at my room temperature . sissy

They were Russian, baka

That’s not what Nordic means

>Ancient Egypt lasted longer than the entirety of western civilization has
>Everything the Greeks knew, they learned from the Egyptians
>Even by the time the Greeks were learning from Egypt. the Kemetians were well into their decline and were already super antiquated.
>China's entire history, from start to right now, is barely longer than how long the Egyptian kingdom lasted
>The Abrahamic God, supposedly omnipotent, promises a long-lasting kingdom to be created with His unlimited power. This kindom is utterly dwarfed and impotent compared to what some river-dwelling monkeys without beasts of burden managed to do.

WE WUZ/Ancient Aliens memes aside, holy shit bros.

How the fuck did they do it? Were they humanity's peak?

they did it with a fuck ton of slaves lmao

ancient Egyptians were generally happy people and had the highest moral compared to other civilisations. Their beliefs and their geographical location and also the lack of slavs (again, compared to other civilisations) is what made this advance advancement possible.

do we need em?

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It's hard to comprehend a civilisation actually devolving.

Where did it all go so wrong?

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christianity destroyed it
islam looted the grabe

I bet people were living Iike this back then too. The Pyramids would be an Stadium or an Airport expansion today

where did it go wrong?

Except islam literally supercharged everything in the middle east.

We expose ourselves to much higher temperatures than you several times a week. One of my saunas goes up to a little over 90 Celsius.

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Their beliefs died after they realized there isn't an afterlife for them and certainly not an afterlife with pharaoh and kings. Nit mentioned their civilisation has fallen multiple times to invaders (nubians and romans).
>controlled environments

Thats like saying a guy who works at the gym can do hard labour.

>We wuz pharaos n' shieeet

Is that tan real? How do swedes get so dark?

is that's why you got BTFO by Israel?

>cumskin brain

Please stick it to sissy porn and giving away your woman and don't interfere in anything else.

This is just the way we are. We tan orange in the sun, what's so strange?

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It always looks like a blackface.

How? We're not black.

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I don't understand how Khufu could apparently be so fucking egotistic to build the pyramids yet the only physical 3d evidence we have of his grandiose reign and likeness is a statue the size of a small doll.

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