Why do Iranians think they’re white?

Why do they LARP so hard? I’ve met a few of them here they either

>short fat brown hairy
>tall lighter skin shade of brown

In both cases they could have passed as Pakistanis or Indians. Do they think distancing themselves from them will make people think any better than them? I will say they didn’t really look Arab at all

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Take your meds pajeet we’re pure aryan

>thread about races
>by an american
Ah yes of course, why am I not surprised

Yes you are.

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What exactly does aryan mean?

Op is not American he’s a Rajeshjeet live in Canada who got his sister stolen by some Iranian chad

did you know mexico is orange, I am not talking about the people, I am talking about the country, evrything the air, the atmosphere has a shade of orange, you just have to watch at the hundreds of hollywood movies and american news media depicting them

Meanwhile we shitskins.

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of course a dumb leaf would say this. Literally just colder yanks.