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International #1257
Me, your Mongol user, have decided to bless your sad souls with wind of the steppe
The worst parts of Africa are all ex-French, except Zimbabwe
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Faces of Zig Forums
How do we cure them, bros?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/ il filo
Why is Brazil's so low?
Why is int so obsessed with these areas?
Have you ever shown love in public?
Game is a mix of two different genres
Living in the DPR
/brit /
Please stop speaking your native language amognst yourselves in english threads i feel left out
Is Russia European? Even the western parts looks terrible
Why are Argie women so beautiful without having to be slutty?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
State of asian americans
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why are French people so miserable in speaking english?
How is tinder like in your country?
The Norway of south america
Anyone wanna play?
Bin ich in Deutschland willkommen?
Be son of English couple
Americans can drive an automobile at 16 years old but cannot consume alcohol until 21 years old
Brazil looks like this??????? wait it is actually Portugal (LISBON)
What's your country's brother? And best ally?
Why did the US drop the Ishii 731 bomb on Korea?
Why doesn't Russia invade Europe?
Hilo peruano
Sverigetråden Trollupplagan
Post ingerlandpunk
Why do they want statehood and why don't they get statehood?
When you type "lol", "lmao", and "kek", you actually laugh IRL, right?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
White genocide in usa
How different are portuguese and spanish?
There's no white leafs left on Zig Forums
It's called paprika, get it right
Did your country ever genocide someone?
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
So Zig Forums
If these exchange student girls boyfriends back home could see what kind of shit they do with the Chads over here
6% of Iceland's population is Polish
How do I look in this selfie bros?
Say something nice about these boys
How many first world countries do you see on this map
Finbros I'm learn finnish because you guys made the best pepe
You ARE cute
Video about non-american eating american snacks
This is the man behind every european post
Am I the only one in here who hates these pretentious and cocky bastards?
What's the general concensus on czech girls?
/fr/ - Le fil français
/fr/ - El francohilo
9,000 new cases a day
There are people who unironically think hitler was good boy dindu nothing
Mfw indians exist
Why isn't Bulgaria rich?
What would happen if white people stopped being cucks?
Why does everyone here hate Chicanos so much? We're literally the most bullied nationality on Zig Forums...
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What city in Spain is the most European?
I thought the mongol thing was a meme but finns actually do look like hapas
Help me I'm retarded. Is Turkey a corrupt democracy like the US or a complete fraud like Russia...
Ywn sail around in the aegean with you're greek gf like in assasin's creed odyssey
What would you do if you won $10M at the lotto?
If racism was gone the world would be a better place...
Is democracy overrated?
*Sighs* ok then.. there’s a few things I have to tell you about us brits
Does your country have any well known pornstars?
Angloids do this
Your thoughts?
A question to krauts: does the German public want to retake the pre war lands?
Cold good, heat bad
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ita/ il filo
Yes I'm indian
Who is the US's greatest ally?
You may not like it
Russia referendum
Belong to EVROpean Union
Are any of you people posting here descendants of these motherfuckers?
Why are Indians bullied unnecessarily here?
Why does spanish have some of the best insults
I'm literally fucking melting
This is your (((european union)))
WHY are PAJEETS so astonished when confronted to whiteness?
Everyday, I sleep while cuddling with my billow
French soldier giving Algerian boys syphilis vaccine injections
Post your country's greatest enemy
What is the best country in this continent to visit, mostly for sex tourism? Asking for a friend
Why is traveling to countries like the Philippines or Thailand for sex looked down upon?
Japan's birthrate is plummeting!
Literally made Iraq the shithole it is today
I think multiculturalism has failed bros
Has a girl ever liked you in your country but you were either too stupid to realize it or too scared to act upon it?
Is liking kpop stgmatized in your country?
What is a white people?
Are you suicidal?
Where would you rather live?
/sekiro/ ehemals /deutsch/
What happens here? In French Polynesia?
Why do europeans look so phenotypically different even though they're so close to each other and there's no major land...
Sverigetråden - Rövupplagan
You can only save one
Is it true that Asian men are treated like gods in Russia? Why?
They really do be like that
This is a german meme
/fr/ - Le francofil
Could you beat a full grown chimpanzee in a fight with no weapons
Who drives these in your country?
What would the hitler think if he could see them today?
Would you date a Turk?
Does anybody like to make up imaginary countries?
Post your favourite Jew
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Indian news
Does this happen in your country???
What do you mean cousin marriage is bad? Look at me brother in perfectly fine!
/danmarktråden/ + skandibanden
/ita/ il filo
Lets talk about this shithole and its "men" for a second
German finance
Just realized that you morrons who drive automatic can't use the biting point
Guess the country
/med/ - olive oil general
Is your country free?
Faces of int
/ro/ - firul nostru
Kurva anyátok
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2422
Who /poor/ here?
I only earn 12k a month. after taxes there is literally almost nothing left to feed my future kids
Why do Mexican girls try so hard to look white?
I miss him so much bros
/sag/-My succubus waifu edition
I unironically strongly believe every single country that participated in or supported the invasion of Iraq should have...
/esp/ - Hilo español
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Is this the ugliest european capital?
Believe my religion or go to hell
Do people in your country like democracy?
Do americans really?
/ישר/ - /Ισρ/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת בוקר
Item for incels to cope
Your thoughts on the American expatriate community in South-East Asia?
I support BLM
What countries are shown as "bad guys" and "good guys" in your country's educational system?
Arrive at American airport
/lat/ hilo latino
Thoughts on baizuo? are you baizuo?
Will you do whatever it takes to acquire your dreams?
Americans are prud-
Saves you for FREE
You literally cannot mandate someone to wear a mask knowing that that mask is killing people...
Does this happen in your country?
Thoughts on their Arab Diaspora?
Why europeans hate snakes so much?
What's your current employment situation?
This is era of China men
Sorry dad, the family line ends here
Why do hong kongers look like this
I suffer as a Muslim. Islam is mental slavery
Hello russians...
It's over boys, my parents think I'm a faggot. probably going to get kicked out now
Post your town city flag
What book from your country would you recommend?
American makes good thread
Why do the countries in the Tutorial 20 keep forcing that they """suffer""" on Zig Forums all the time?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Feels good to never fallen for the Communism meme bros
Post some doomer music for tonight Zig Forums how are y'all doing??
Do you like Japanese girls?
Portrait of a Criollo family from 18th Century Mexico
Why do POC think it's cool to be racist against whites?
What would happen if they unite?
The Mughals were degenerates
Name a more iconic duo
Math is subjective
/cum/ - canada us mexico
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Who did zongzi better?
Do you think the US is *too* free? Is there such a thing as too much freedom?
Can we please get better public transportation? Thanks
/lang/ - Language Learning General
This is how africans feel about african americans
I'm 181cm 96kg
1. Your country
Which foreigners usually work on farms in your country? Ours are mostly from the Caribbean and Central America
Racemix with niggers
Greatest country in the history of the world
/polska/ nocna
Curve is rising again
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What went wrong?
There's a referendum in russia about keeping putin in power until 2036 and giving him the rights to dimiss judges and...
This is what America used to be about
Earth appreciation thread
Why are Africans so hateful towards African Americans?
Pros and cons of living in your country. What's special about it?
I never had sex, not even with a dude
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Big fucking explosion near Tehran that looks like a nuclear plant. Are you ready for Chernobyl 2?
/fr/ - Le Francofil - édition des rêves
Is there a country that hates (You) for no reason whatsoever?
Why does the Mexican always talk shit to Brazil when Brazil is a better country?...
The Bahama Islands are projected to be underwater In the near future due to being below sea level and the Global...
Does your country have a 3 star Michelin restaurant
Best international food tier list
Did you know 700,000 Chinese lived in Ghana? What are the weirdest diasporas you know?
/ita/ - il filo
Countries hated by Danish Zoomers
nordoids complaining about 30°C
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
It's pretty simple I can even break it down like this
Is pirating popular in your country?
This is the future of the western world. Post an image that represents or shows the future of your country/region
Sverigetråden - Alla styvsystrars porrupplaga
Rape of berlin
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Do Brits really celebrate Independence Day?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Stop masturbating and watching porn
Say something nice about this country
How Zig Forums are you?
What are your honest thoughts on north Africans?
ΛH... YUGOSLΛVIA... home
Which type of girl is the most prevalent in your country?
I didn't know Indonesia was so big
Attention please. France will not tolerate Turkey anymore, you are warned, Turkey
ΛH... the vvheat fields of BELΛRVS... home
/SAG/. South Asian General. Kali Haldi Edition
Why does Merkel hate USA?
How many immigrants did you have in your school classes?
Could she pass as local in your country?
Have can you ever suvive this heat? This is western Norway. It's unlivable right now
Say something embarrasingly wrong in a thread
Sometimes i see a guy and i want to kiss/date him, but i feel very little actual sexual attraction to him
/fr/ - Le Francofil - Édition Résistante
Welcome! What can i get you?
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Tyska vänskapsupplagan
/fr/ le francofil
Would you marry a woman that was fucked by another man?
Swedes spend their days balancing stones and worshiping giant mushrooms
They used to be Vikings but now they are lgbt supporting sissy homosexuals... What went wrong?
Your country
I suffer in America
Russian religion?
THIS is what Belgium used to be about...ugh this is what they took from you
Is this common in Israel ?
ITT we post meme countries
This is the ideal gf
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Why do people act like Africans are all somehow the same people...
/ita/ il filo
Why do Sudacas eat so much of this shit? Its disgusting
WTF is this?
Be italian diaspora in lelgium
Why do people like Zig Forums? I don't get the appeal? The Ui is outdated, you can't create your own boards...
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
The turkish girl i went to university with stopped wearing a headscarf and keeps posting pictures of herself in...
Is it true Americans hate their own police?
Spain is literally south america desu
Average or most popular answers
India in 2050
Sveariketråden Birger Jarl af Bjälboättens-Upplagan
Do you go out picking mushrooms with your friends in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you think this map reflects reality? which civilization do you think your cunt belongs to?
Why do they eat Turkish food? Don't they know it's inferior to European food?
/esp/ - Hilo español
How is it that Argentina and Brazil have such nice, beautiful females, while Mexico all it has is... this?
State of near civil war
How come Islam is so powerful?
How would you fix the United States?
Are grandmas in your country known for cooking way too much food when grandchildren visit?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - hierarchy edition
This triggers the European
I have posted on Zig Forums for 10 years
British people go to beach, shit in McDonalds boxes
Why are they such degenerates? Why are their movies always about SEX SEX SEX?
/brit /
I am Greek
Unfunniest, most underage and all-around worst poster Q2 2k20:
Stop saying russian men look asiatic
Sveariketråden Karl XII-Upplagan
*blocks your path* 何やってんのお前?
/ita/ il filo
Meanwhile, on 1700 Zig Forums
Your cunt
What is wrong with Russia? How this orc can have such a perfect girl?
Are you a parasite?
American Latinas
Are they culturally European or an extension of MENA culture?
Why don't the Arab Nafris just go back to Saudi Arabia?
Is spain like the other mexican countries???
How tall are you guys?
How does your street look like?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How do you say it in your cunt:
ITT: the absolute cutest boys I've come across on dating apps so far, + their country of origin
Every single Indian below 30 look like this
Travel tips
Based David Fagen
Europe is heaven
/fr/ - le francofil
Does your cunt experience 'brain drain'? If so, to where? And how bad is it?
/ita/ il filo
What's the main platform that people in your country use to communicate? Here is WhatsApp
Why are ex Yugoslavia countries such germanboos, its not just coz of work because there is US,Uk, Ireland etc etc...
King of Thailand
In Finland we eat pea soup every Thursday
Does your country have Karens?
I am at the grocery store, how much Zig Forums spends per week for groceries?
Sverigetråden Erik Kasselstrands upplaga
Russians on Zig Forums: baw Russia is terrible! Literal shithole! Wish Hitler saved us from this suffering!
All diaspora needs to be banned from posting + all new world nations for obvious reasons
What was your country like in 2001?
HEAT WAVE GENERAL 40 Degrees expected
Aboriginal Australians
Cmon bro you only need 10 obsidian for a nether portal, let's just go back to base
Reminder that eastern "europeans" are less desirable immigranrs than Africans
Pajeeta says the to your face
/lat/ hilo latino
Please coom on vacation in Italy
/ישר/ - /Ισρ/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ -מהדורת 6 ימים-
Did you know...?
French girls would fuck anyone but french guys
200 years from now all the Arab migrants to Western Europe will be fully mixed and assimilated...
There appears to be some sort of inbreeding conspiracy going on outside desperately trying to marry me to and prevent...
American "humour"
Germany OBJECTIVELY needs more Lebensraum and Eastern Europe OBJECTIVELY has some to spare
Why yes I don't interact with human beings outside of Zig Forums and I'm starting to forget my native language...
Uhh.. Hello fellow scientist! Your degree is PhD in quantum physics?nice. I'm something of a scientist myself...
How do new build apartments look like in your cunt?
In Sweden the most popular language on duolingo is Swedish
NOOOOO you can't criticise the holy practice of circumcision...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are British people obsessed with going to Spain instead of other southern European countries? Why Spain?
Sverigetråden - Hyperboreanska jättesvampsupplagan
Why did our ancestors leave home? Is north Caucasus that bad?
I just want my fucking land back
Kurva anyátok
Indians don't use toilet paper after they poop and that they just wash it directly with their hands
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Zig Forums. Peace be upon you...
Would you fug a Nilotic Sudanese?
Spanish metro
WTF Europe looks like that ?
I lost my virginity to a boy
/esp/ - Hilo español
Why are muttlings so bad at handling simply crisis?
/fr/ - Le Francofil - Édition chrétienne
This Zig Forums is the "Tutorial 20", or T20 for short. (plus one)
Culture Pals - /cp/
Why don't they simply move to the west?
Be nice to a white tourist
/med/ - olive oil general
/ita/ - il filo
Do black Africans look down on black Americans (as lesser ppl they sold as slaves)?
Germany give us the west border of the Rhine
Non brown people of Zig Forums
Be afraid, white boys. Be very afraid
Why are Iranians like this?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Your cunt
What phenotype is on the right?
Does Zig Forums watch Hentai?
/lat/ hilo latino
We have to save them bros
How much longer until it stops existing?
In 2020 this is the most common interracial pairing in the US
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Monke monke monke monke monke monke monke monke monke monke monke monke
Why do Iranians think they’re white?
/sag/: South Asian General
Black people have never accomplished anything
Today you will learn how to make proper Fajitas, not the bullshit you see on american TV
What do white people find interesting in China?
I hate this country. Are people this stupid anywhere else?
Why are so many beaners white supremacists?
For me? It's Italy and Portugal
Kill all UnitedStatians
Why won't Japanese breed? They don't even have Jews in their country telling them not to
What does Zig Forums think of my villa I'm building?
What comes to mind when I mention this region?
American think this is real cheese
What music does Zig Forums listen to?
Just Brazilian things
I am NOT allow
Tfw mom named me Jelly
Do you thirdies ever get jealous of those of us who live in first world countries?
When was the US' Golden Age?
I want a persian wife. I want my children to have green eyes
I love Latin Americans but how do they keep falling for this shit...
Lol she looked like shit all along HAHAHAH
Where did the Japanese come from?
Is there a cringier group in the world than whites who live in japan?
Miss me yet?
Why are Slavic people so ugly?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I'll have to quit listening to news in my country. Everyday is a new bad thing happening
What do you know about Vietnam besides the Vietnam War?
What is wrong with the US (and Brazil)?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine