State of near civil war

>state of near civil war
>most people still don't want to emigrate

Huh. Will you look at that. The US is probably one of the worst countries in the world right now, with worse conditions than most 3rd world countries, yet most people still want to fix the US.

Attached: Flag-United-States-of-America.jpg (1600x832, 235.86K)

I still love America.

Attached: 1569622913298.jpg (1080x1080, 255.92K)

>state of near civil war
Yes, the US military is very close to getting brought down by protesters.

There aren't countries that are worse off than the US right now, yet most Americans still don't want to leave.

Look at this page or Zig Forums or Fox News or Breitbart and the constant threads about how fucked the US is. Yet, we still believe in it.

Imagine if other people felt the same way about their countries.

Are you that guy from yesterday asking why not people fix their country and instead of leaving?

>There aren't countries that are worse off than the US right now
You're really stupid, huh?

>There aren't countries that are worse off than the US right now, yet most Americans still don't want to leave.
How exactly is the USA fucked? Obese people dying from the coronavirus doesn't effect me.
USA has a lot of cities in good climates with jobs and relatively available housing. Median incomes are still some of the highest in the world. With that comes a general satisfaction which is why you don't see people wanting to emigrate.
Rioters aren't going to effect you, they won't be able to make a dent in the US military and most of the businesses they destroy will be taken care of by insurance.

If the state is dissolved like in Yugoslavia, genocides would occur between whites and blacks.

she's so hot actually read anything people post on Zig Forums or...?