Are they culturally European or an extension of MENA culture?
Are they culturally European or an extension of MENA culture?
What's MENA culture?
What's European culture?
what i know is that you are obsessed
There is no dialectic between the two. European originally referred to countries around the Mediterranean, and the Levant, Alexandria etc. could be included in that. Europe has also referred to Christian countries and both were strongly shaped by Christianity and had majority Christian populations. It's Germanics who are outliers of Europe, the center is the Mediterranean world.
what european culture do we have, Juan?
hey look... the daily mexicunt hate thread
you're not getting your gold back if you continue with this attitude tiraflechas.
culturally European racially MENA
Aren't you tired of making these shit threads?
Are you ok sweden? Why you are so based today?
I'm a Hispanophile and a Hellenophile I guess. The accomplishments of Northern Europe pale in comparison with those of the Mediterraneans. The Meds regarded Normans, Germans and Franks as semi-cultured cousins if anything.
w/o mena there is no european civilization
then don't call it european because we have nothing in common with slavs or germanics
But germans had so eager of joining the empire
Replace European with whatever this region should be called instead then, worthless Swedecuck
Eurica, a crossover between Europe and Africa
¿que te pasa ahora pancho, un españolito te folló otra vez a tu abuela?
Meh there's no name for it
But cucked
"Europe but doesn't cause butthurt in retarded latinos" would be the name. Too long tho.
There is not one single inch of mena culture in italy or spain, all their culture is pretty much classic european, from religion, to traditions to folk dances or dress, to language. Not even 1 tradition came from the mena
Spain is 100% mena you suebi boy.
grand tartaria?
Spanish folk dances, dress and traditions look Arab to me
slavs and germanics are not european
No, europe never referred to the levant or north africa
i don't care, if they have such a massive inferiority complex they can keep the europe term for themselves
You are half nafri, deal with it