The Norway of south america
The Norway of south america
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a banana shithole reliant on raw materials?
Most of Chile is an utter shit hole, thankfully I live in the nice part of Santiago, I've never set foot in the bad part, but seeing the slums by the highway on the way to the airport reminds me the reality of this country.
longcoast gang post up
Sad, I guess Uruguay is the only first world ish country in the region
Why am i laughing
They are kind of oilniggers, but with copper instead. They have virtually 0 industry and agriculture, literally use their copperbucks to import everything for cheap because their currency is overvalued, and they flex and feign superiority on all the countries in the region.
Fuck chile
living behind a 3 meter electrified fence doesn't remind you that you're in a third world shithole? or the fact that every single street of the part of the city where you live looks like this?
Norway's navy is not as cool as Chilean's navy, prove me wrong.