Taiping Heavenly Kingdom edition, also pls don't let it die for once
Previous: (doa) Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)
>What are extra flags? Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Zig Forums, Zig Forums, /sp/, and /bant/, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitLab page.
an acrobatic balance act to keep the thread bumped
Easton Nguyen
I agree.
Leo Ross
how relevant is the Italian language on Malta? also, can you read the Arabic alphabet? (since Maltese is basically Arabic but with the Latin alphabet, right?)
Jose Johnson
After a whole day... without posting... Utrecht... is back... with flags...
Owen Baker
Jaxon Walker
Bentley Ross
Vathorst (TFW went here for obscure neighbourhood flags only to not find them anywhere, I've contacted the creators and they've promised to go look for more info in their archives so I'll probably be able to post them in a few days)
Jordan Anderson
>how relevant is the Italian language on Malta? Most people have no use for it, but you need it to study law. >can you read the Arabic alphabet? No.
Jason Brooks
Zachary White
did the Knights of St. John who used to rule Malta speak Maltese or something different?
Aiden Turner
Lunteren (very nice place, has a very ugly village flag that I've remade in Paint) What legal system does Malta use? Civil law mixed with common law?
Samuel Howard
Ede (went here to get Veldhuizen but ended up narrowly missing it, actual flag is the same as the municipal flag so grab this erroneous rare while you can!)
Nicholas Russell
Jack Thompson
Jaxon King
Parker Thomas
John Thompson
Bunnik (still no neo-Bunnik, reee)
Jackson Barnes
And that's it, will have to upload a bunch of new and fixed stuff later but enjoy for now
John Sullivan
DNA given to Les Juifs. Now we wait. Also, nice flags
Nope. Between themselves they spoke their own languages, but with the Maltese Italian was used. One of the later Grandmasters knew Maltese, if not mistaken, but I think that they weren't many the knights that learned the language. You're better off reading this desu. avukati.org/public/law-system-in-malta/
Angel Wright
what did they speak among themselves? French?
Blake Bennett
French, Italian, Portuguese etc. The knights were from across Europe. They had different Langues, which was a linguistic division within the order which is why we have buildings like Il-Berġa ta' Kastillja, Il-Berġa tal-Italja, Il-Berġa tal-Ingilterra etc. Though most of the knights were French. Now, as a Lingua Franca within the order, I'm not sure. probably Italian or French, or both.
Charles Carter
>like Il-Berġa ta' Kastillja Kastilja*
Caleb Gomez
interesting. Were they resented by the Maltese or did they govern well?
Owen Johnson
fuck ludwig and his holy blade
Gabriel Smith
Horseface giving you trouble?
Gavin Morris
nigga is a crackhead
Carter Robinson
Leave the holy blades out of this man
Logan Allen
Opinions probably differed from one Grandmaster to another.