Are you a parasite?
Are you a parasite?
No, my mother is Italian so I made sure to get a job on the other side of the country so she wouldn't keep me trapped forever
Wtf is wrong with Japan
its only 10% more than US
Imagine not being able to afford your own rent lmao
Rent is through the roof and every job is held by a 82 year old with no intention of retiring
Their parents don't get shot or have heart attacks at 50.
28, never employed.
This should be encouraged. People should live in large 10 to 20-person family villas instead of tiny one-person and two-person flats.
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Why anglos hate their family?
Thank you for providing me with stats I already know but I don't see your point
I think living with your parents for a long time is really good, so long as the children are working, pursuing further education, or otherwise investing themselves in a better future.
All those years that the children keep living with their parents, is money saved towards the big purchases in life (house, car, etc)
This, must suck to get kicked out from home.
Why my country so based?
Noooooooooooo, what about the landlords?
does it include employed people too?
why? If someone pulls his own weight how is he a parasite?
What's wrong living with your family?
My father told me I was stupid for moving out and paying for me own rent when I could live rent free. But what he didn't mention is that me living with him while I had a job meant he could delegate some living expenses to me and therefore lower his own spending. But even then he's still right because I would spending way less. I moved out when I was 18, and all I can say is: fuck that, I'd do it again. Living by yourself is a chore and expensive, but holy geeeee what a freedom you get. I brought prostitutes back to my apartment, did drugs for the first time, did anything I wanted how I wanted when I wanted. Order pizza every night? Done. Watch porn on my 65" tv in my living room? Done. Clean whenever I wanted? Done. It was bliss. Some would say this is a degenerate lifestyle but man, does it feel good to not give a fuck. I did not entertain this choices all the time but it was good feeling that I was able to do it and no one to tell me shit. It's an experience every young adult should have, because even though there's a huge potential to be irresponsible, it makes you ironically responsible for your irresponsible actions like being careful not to drain you bank account, always gotta work so you can afford to live like that etc
What's wong with living with your parent? I mean you can help take care with your parent in need!
Am I still a parasite if I work? They still pay for all the shit but they are free to use my money for whatever they want.
American parents treat their kids badly enough. This shit doesn’t help.
>18 years old in America
>get out of my house kid LOL
>18 yo have sex with 30 yo
I thought job placement rates from Japanese universities were like 98%
Nope, I'm a poorfag but I'm independent.
High test alpha males
I'm actually really surprised we're lower than America desu.
if you arent successful enough to make those big purchases right out of college then you are a unequivocal failure
All a*Glos are degenerate. By the time their kid reaches 18 the average a*Glo parent is already divorced, in massive debt, obese, and addicted to crack. The a*Glo then preceeds to blame their child for everything wrong if not done so already.
The problem with living with your parents is that they have de facto control over your life then and to some degree you need to go out on your own to fully grow up but having to be on your own at 16, 18, or 22 has given rise to so many of our problems and I’m not even sure American parents even love their kids.
Yes, but I pay rent because my parents are poor as shit
I didn't think Amerimutts would be higher than here. I thought everyone there gets kicked out when they turn 18?
Been on my own since 17 after my mom divorced my dad. Things would’ve been a lot better if that wasn’t the case I think.
Their economy has been stagnant for 30 years
It’s a matter of what happens from 18 - 25. It’s not uncommon for 18 year olds to get kicked out in America but what’s much more common is for them to just generally fail to acquire the means, financial situation to live on their own between 18 - 25 so they end up having to live at home until they’re 30 even if they went off to college at 18, in which case they would still be considered living at home with parents.
you think University grads land good jobs? they start at the bottom of the ladder and promotion is based on age
i dont live with my parent but damn its expensive living by yourself.
I spend nearly half of my paycheck just to pay rent and utilities
At this rate i dont think i cant save enough to buy my own house
But they do land degreed jobs, which is better than no jobs or non-degreed jobs which is the majority over here.
Because anime
Is house sharing common in Ameriland? People here don't necessarily have the money to move out on their own at 18-25, but they still move out to a house share with a bunch of friends rather than live at home