/med/ - olive oil general

Aka Mediterranean, aka coomer general. Invited: all Mediterranean countries. Also welcome: Any country that produces olive oil and wine, as well as the UK, native Americans, fairies, gnomes, giants, dwarves, vampires, and elves.

Roman Emperors edition.

Who's your favourite Emperor /med/? And why?


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Aka Mediterranean, aka coomer general. Invited: all Mediterranean countries. Also welcome: Any country that produces olive oil and wine, as well as the UK, native Americans, fairies, gnomes, giants, dwarves, vampires, and elves.
Stop posting this cringe at the start of every med thread

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Hello frens


I'm still mad over this
at least cuck me with a chad, wtf

He probably just had a bigger dick than you.
Get over it

>already bought pretty much everything I wanted in previous sales
>the stuff I want now is too new and not discounted enough
Another malakas sale where I do nothing but collect another badge.

lmao I'm pretty sure he did

calm down, consoomer

Anything worth checking out?

Based, only idiots buy today's games on full price


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>In the meantime, he sank 12 migrants boats, killing over 1000 people.
Holy based.

impressive, very nice

>migrants between Sicily and Malta

Farrugia's swim wasn't as long, as he left from Punto Secca in Ragusa and stopped at il-Qbajjar in Gozo. Agius left from Punta Braccetto in Ragusa and stopped at San Ġiljan. I'll post the more detail article when it's translated. Still, both great feats.

>calm down, consoomer
This is the opposite of consooming though
Not really, although MGSV is only £6, that's pretty worth it.

Not interested.

how do you swim 28 hours

They're fleeing the new maltese oppresive government :^)

>I was 9 years old
>aunt has a fren at Rhodes
>go to Rhodes with mom and aunt, visit her fren
>she just had two cute twins, they were just a few months old, very cute
>the boy had an ancient, but normal name (let's call him Leonidas)
>the girl had a really retarded name, that's not even a name, really (let's call her Feather - not her name, but I don't want to dox her-)

>fast forward 12 years
>shitposting on omegle
>connect with someone
>"sup, name's Leonidas, I'm from Rhodes, u a girl?"
>'hey, is your sister's name Feather?'

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Suit yourself, more copies of MGSV for me.

Be a dedicated Olympian is my guess.
More like the common folk, since it's us whose the evil xenophobes, apparently.

You should leave your room more often, don't you know that Lowell got 99,99% of the vote ?


Just sent a friend request to a girl in Facebook for the first time ever
Wish me luck lads

you only have male friends on facebook?

Nah a have a few girls but they sent me a request first

When I went to Rhodes it was full of stalls selling Wooden Dildos, the first shop okay, the second one as well, but when it becomes a whole street full of Wooden Dildos you'll start to ask yourself few questions. I went to one of these merchants who were solding Wooden Dildos.
He told me the reason, the people in Rhodes have become accustomed to Scandinavian tourists, especially the Swedish ones, who love to buy Wooden Dildos abroad.
From that moment on my hate for Scandinavian Tourists increased to a level that cannot be compared to anything on Earth.
At least a Norwegian Pub was nice, a Norwegian Pub in Rhodes.

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Right, I forgot.


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it's not just Rhodes, there are wooden dildos everywehre
tourists from westoid countries are always like 'XDDDDDDD PENIIIIIIIIIIS!!!!', so, whatever, might as well take advantage of them

Only one of them was cute and she only added me so I could help her with some college exercises :(


Did he really wear that kino mask irl? Or is it a Total War meme?

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Fuck zoomers

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