Is liking kpop stgmatized in your country?

Is liking kpop stgmatized in your country?

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Yes but allmost nobody listens too it

No but most K-pop lovers are fanatics. This "idol" system is quite weird in the first place

It should be


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I hope so


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Case in point

Cope : the thread

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Because normies don't actually give a shit about this genre. Funny how you morons think Kpop is what all white girls are listening too when there are more of them who care about SoundCloud rappers and shiet then this irrelevant genre

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>SoundCloud rappers

Don't even know what's worse.

Ah yes that girl looks like a real keeper with her inch of makeup and tatoo, real shame

You'd be a lying cunt if you say you wouldn't shag her

I don't think so but it should be.

kpop is a forced meme

Kpop fans should end their lives

Hope every kpop fag commits suicide

>crossed legs
until I see the vajayjay I will assume she has a peepee

It's Korean's government soft power. Nothing about it is spontaneous and organic


i don't know but yeah if you're not a girl in your teenager years you should be ashamed listening to kay poop


I don't get idol culture

>Kpop is what all white girls are listening too when there are more of them who care about SoundCloud rappers and shiet then this irrelevant genre
Few years ago while I was still in high school I had to do a project on Economics, I had to analise what music others were listening to.
For girls, it was like this
>50% rap, manele and some Romanian pop shit
>40% kpop
>10% rock, classical, jazz
I asked 20 something girls to take the survey, keep in mind this happened in one of those better high scools, I can only asume that among other places, that 10% is only getting lower, leaving more place for kpop, manele and other forms of pop.
In most cases, it's between 14 and 18 when most people develop their musical preferences, meaning that many girls enjoyed kpop past the age of 13, which will only result in in a genereation hooked on gook shit.
t. ruski slope

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Look at how insecure she becomes when he grabs her fat stomach.

Correlation does not equal causation. They're not bullied because they like kpop, they're bullied because they're kpop stans who are often deranged.

You should visit Twitter, you would be surprised how prevalent they are

Not really. I don't care about it, I listen to some songs, not a huge fan though.

yes thank you but we have our own videos warning about the degenerancy of this industry

This cult is getting out of control, we left it unchecked for like 5 years now