from sweden and proud what about you?
Faces of Zig Forums
I am half Armenian.
are you a boy?
why do ask that question?
chad ginger german!
i want fuck you sex sex sex!
could i pass as a local in your cunt?
are you a girl then cool but if you are a guy then gay
not really but maybe in france or britain
no, too white
im a churka
yes gay, now can u meet sex? ahah i wanna sex sex u
nice profile pic bro
why? also stop meming
Look, I remember that when you first made that thread with the FaceApp you were humble about your looks, but sweetie you've gone full attention whore. Please go back to being a humble cute boy. :)
You look like a faggot
I look like a churka but im not even a churka
>Please go back to being a humble cute boy.
how do I do that? and sorry for posting the same pics I havent taken new pics of me >_
u r cute lemme sex u
Would be nice if you combed your hair hobo
No way a gigachad like you would be browsing this site. Stop pulling my leg, Hans.
pls stop posting this ugly inbred arab rapebaby!
Just go do a task that keeps you busy for a long time that requires both mental and physical attention, that way thoughts of boys and attention go away. Good luck my cute price :)
I'm a virgin desu.
but all germans are chads
It's my face and this is faces of Zig Forums thread moron
well ur an ugly inbred arab then
That is correct
digits dont lie
They don't
ok ugly inbred arab rapebaby