
Attached: Britjune2020.jpg (720x720, 52.2K)

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>I showed you my dick answer me



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I have my steaks well done

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Posted this the other day and you cunts said sydney is a shithole

well, it sold quickly

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What does this have to do with British culture?

love sydney

Attached: mm sydney.jpg (905x339, 45.79K)

can I live with turtle?

prob some rentberg lets be honest no one wants to live in that

ah yes urban sprawl copy paste #5982 atleast it has a wacky building and a big bridge

Looks alright to me other than the price.

Sick. Didn't know Launy had houses like this


have sex

love sydney
probably the best execution of the city-suburbia integration anywhere
brilliant spot on the continent to build a city as well
can just walk around there and it feels so clean and nice and beautiful


have you lads watched the Damned United?

I don’t get how you could ‘hate’ Sydney
For all it’s faults it’s still genuinely fine

The yanks and coasties obsessed with the south are back again

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ah yes, the streets of western sydney. Clean and beautiful

The aul lad just gave me a proper haircut, fucking hell. No no fade i look like fucking hitler. Trim off the top. Who is even paying for haircuts these days?






chinese ppl

Australia is so fucking based

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Have you cummed inside a peng asian ting?

western sydney is based though ngl

>western sydney
you mean basedern sydney?

reminded me of when i was a wagie back in the day like you

>be me
>be pizza delivery driver
>7pm ish
>deliver pizza to this pretty nice house
>knock on door, hear dog barking
>man, mid 30s, opens door dog behind him barking at me
>that will be $16.37 sir
>gives me money
>getting change out
>dog bites me, makes me drop change
>give dog a little kick so it leaves me alone
>man lunges at me and grabs arm
>pull out P-3AT
>doesnt let go of arm
>shoot him 3 times in chest
>wife comes to hall and starts screaming and runs to phone
>shoot at her 3 times and hit her once in the back
>shes on the ground bleeding and screaming
>walk over and double tap her in head
>hit her once and dry fire second time cuz the P-3AT doesnt have a slide stop
>walk out
>dog finally shut the fuck up
>take pizza and throw it in a dumpster a couple of blocks from the store
>get back to store tell coworkers the blood is pizza sauce
>pretty good night after that, make like $40 in tips for a 5 hour shift
>pheonix, 2013

I know we like to have a joke here on /brit/, but right now I'm genuinely doing a poo, lads.

you ain’t nothin but a hamdog

As an aside I've noticed a lot fewer Chinese people when out and about in Sydney lately, probably due to most being temporary migrants or tourists that went back when the borders closed



Pipe down kid. No wonder why Daddy left after all your bitching.

fingered one at uni, that's it... fuck i miss her

who /money/ here?

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Just watched the entire video. Love it
Niall Ferguson. Best of Britain

sign of heat, take off all coats and hats

Looking back I think globohomoism really went into overdrive with the 2010 South Africa World Cup.
I remember that year my school did a lot on South African history for whatever reason, maybe the start of anti-white normalisation? Had our classes sing some bullshit that went:
>In Soweto they shot us down
>A heavy load, a heavy load
>But we will stand up united
>We are the children of Africa
>And it's for freedom we're fighting

tbf though Wavin' Flag was a banger

Shan't be doing that.

drinking diet pepsi listening to massive attack

the boys...

Yeh, a few. Impregnated one

The psyche of leftypol is actually quite easy to analyze. The leftist is the kind of person who is antagonistic to the idea competition. The leftist has no confidence in his own ability to achieve anything. Deep down he knows he is a loser.

So instead of trying to work hard and achieve something great, become wealthy, intelligent, or physically fit, the leftist decides it would be easier to simply destroy all traditional concepts of what is considered “good”

This can easily be seen in real life by looking at “plus size” or “disabled models”. We are told these people are beautiful when in reality to the normal human they provoke an intense feeling of disgust.

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do you think it is the same for the "doing a wank" posters?

met up with the so called boys for beers in the park yesterday