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International #1258
Rip my nigga
Wasted an entire day on Zig Forums yet again. dubs decide what I do in the evening hours, trips overrule all
Why is this country so popular these days?
Does your country stand for trans rights?
Post your most soul-full pictures
Why am I 'forced' to like niggers?
You're invited to a Dutch BBQ
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2423
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Hey Zig Forums, do you like my country?
How do European cities without electric poles install 4G and 5G antennas?
When i was in 7th grade 3 mexicans kids found out I was muslim and started telling me crap...
Flemish architecture
This is a house party in the US. The only people invited are Chads, Brads, and Stacy's...
White men can get any Asian woman they want
Do Poles really?
Is Zig Forums antisemitic?
One thing I have noticed about Poles, and I have written about this before, is that they are an appearance-based people...
I buy second hand PC parts online, assemble them, install pirated windows 10, sims 4...
Balkans is the most civilized place in Europe
/ita/ - il filo
Wtf? I love zoomers now!
Anyone else instantly lose respect for Asians who try to mangle their name into something Anglo so they can integrate...
Where would you rather live?
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת החבר הירדני
If their GDP per capita is so low, how come they all have new iPhones, drive bmws...
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
What does a sandwich look like in your country?
Do people have lots of sex at uni in you're country?
Post your 10/10
Coom, coom करना है, कर ले।
Is your country American?
Imagine living in russia
Open Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - kumbaya -upplagan
Why are they always so angry and depressed?
As much as I like living in Italy, sometimes it feels like a fucking CURSE. Why, you ask...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your country
Post your 8values results
What are your thoughts on Traditional Chinese Medicine ? It's getting more and more popular around the world
Why are Japs so rapey?
Post your national Parliament Building. Then post the main meeting hall
Why are Hungarians so racist?
Russia is the best country in the world
Do you like africa
Tfw swarthy dark blue eyes instead of white light blue eyes
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
Why Indians like this?
So, as some of you may know, there is a Zig Forums equivalent in South Korea called Ilbe:
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Mommy forces me to vote for Andrzej Duda in today's polish presidential elections
/NE/ - /Near East/ - /شرق ادنى/
Have you ever dated someone outside of your race/nationality? Do you want it?
Well, Zig Forums? North or south?
What's their fucking problem? They either make nonsensical shitposts or belittle other countries
Has anyone here travelled to Iran?
Choose your team
What is the difference between an ISIS member and a muslim?
Pick a side
This is the political compass of my country. Ask aby questions if you like
Post athletes from your country
Paki man and Italian women
Are you mutilated?
Sveariketråden Stormaktsupplagan
Berlin is Germany's worst city
Why do poor people hate gays?
Americans have sex offender databases
Who are some notorious serial killers from your cunt?
Poland ;)
Hilo /esp/añol
/v4/ + fork buddies
Wrestlers at american high school
L don’t get it, this is a group assignment but there has been fuck all collaboration...
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Cocks anime gäysex
What watch do you have?
Korea has the fourth largest number of saints in the world after Italy, Spain, and France
What do you call "art hoes" in your language?
Turks fuck german girls and germans marry them
Kurva anyátok
Fuck. Whites
The eternal debate
How "free" is your country?
Why are American women so based
Do they really deserve the title of being "reddit: the country"?
Why do all female Russians in Japan insist they do modeling as their occupation, even ugly people by our standard?
I present you the motherfucking giant predator UIRAÇU
Is playing on hard-mode overall a more rewarding experience?
How do i have sex with grils. i dont want r*lationship, don't like t*nder/d*ting and never go out
We all know Germany leads the EU but what country leads ASEAN??
Do you play piano
Be america fetus
Have you failed in life?
Do asians really eat dogs and cats
/balk/ Balkan Thread
/lat/ hilo m00t
/ita/ - il filo
Based or cringe? "canadians" not allowed
God save the Queen
Is he right about China?
Do vargtards exist in your kunt?
Do your country have any traditional medicine for this shit
Are people from your country religious (I mean uneducated with a low IQ)???
Asian diaspora
We, the northern brothers!
/sag/+/desi/ - South Asia and India General
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Post your town city flag
1. Your country
How do you say "thick" in your language?
Reminder that if we nuke (nar)Colombia, the world's total illegal cocaine production would decrease by a stunning 75%...
Aren't you ashamed?
Are you okay, my American brothers?
1. Your country
*ruins your road network*
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why are Americans so religiously schizo? Is there something in their water?
Being born an Asian male in a western country is a life of eternal suffering...
How do you cope with life in your cunt?
He's back
The Marshall Plan
Commie country
What's the first country that comes to your mind when you look at this?
/fr/ - El francohilo
Toilet States
Have you ever fallen in love with someone from another country? If so, which one is/was he/she from?
I can only orgasm by milking my prostate. Is this normal in you're a country?
How do you view Mexico?
My grandma says evolution makes no sense :(
Imagine being protestant
Why are turks so rude to their paki blood brothers?
ITT: Tell about an encounter you've had with someone from the flag above you
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I just saged my own thread
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Is Spain the cuckest cunt?
Film industry in your country
Iceland thread
Quintessentially American
Are you aware the province of Nagorno-karabakh(Artsakh) is historically Armenian land...
It's only a matter of time lol
My sister's best friend Is 190cm and i Need to interact with her as a 175cm male
3 of them got life sentence
Oh hello please tell us how you are enjoying your holiday in Japan
Is there anything more stupid than first world communists/socialists?
Post ur cunts airforce
/cp/ - Culture Pals
A/R1a/N general
/lat/ hilo latANO
What's in berlin, new jersey?
Accidentally commented that my sister looks like she was made for BBC on one of her Instagram photos last night
Redpill me on Ecuador, Zig Forums
99% of americans walk around with a crusty asshole with shit...
/ita/ - il filo
Say something in Japanese without using Google
This is New York’s newest skyscraper
If theoretically you could get a date with a girl you like
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
What do Mexicans think of this?
Is there a better looking jap?
Is the hate for American ironic
What was your cunt like in 1700?
Were non-Iberians even trying or what?
Walking with a Muslim
Did you learn anything about Brazil in school?
What side do you support?
Tonight I will learn about other cultures
Do american boys find italian accent cool or do they ridicule it like the girls?
Do they ever not talk about themselves
Sverigetråden - Jänkarheemupplagan
What's the relationship between your country and its former colonizer like?
Why do so many Asian women get with white guys?
This is rural china
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I'm having macaroni and cheese with hot dog slices for lunch. This is a common poor person meal in the US...
Your country
Left: Athenian coin from Ancient Greece
Everyone is talking behind my back at my job and only a single guy is telling me all about it should i just leave the...
Italian week at LIDL? My favorite
/brit /
Doesn't taste like mustard at all
Is Mexico really the only relevant country in Latin America?
Belgian (Flemish) architecture... BEAUTIFUL
1. Your country
I thought euros were all skinny, wtf?
Do Americans really ?
Gentlemen, what's the final solution to the female question?
Thanks God for Japan
Many such cases. Sad!
Should i buy this property?
/deutsch/ fast schon wieder /nachtschicht/
Bear sentenced to death in Italy
Which team are you on ?
Post your favorite reggaeton songs
Sverigetråden - Helgupplagan
How is your country/region called in your native tonge/s?
Post food from your country
Can an american explain their reasoning behind this?
Tell me about Portugal Zig Forums
The absolute state of wh*te "people"
Country transcends beyond absolute shithole status
Meet Tuvalu, the smallest nation in the world. With 12000 residents...
/ita/ - il filo
/brit/ /bort/ etc
/ישר/ - /ИЗP/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת בלוז בהל"צ
8 millions Israelis are richer than 100 million Egyptians
Name 3 russian city
Latinxs genocided their natives and yet they still are brown as fuck because those thirsty coomers couldn't hold their...
It's fascinating that Indo-Aryan languages are analogous to Romance languages, with Sanskrit being analogous to Latin
What did they mean by this
If Jews are the smartest and most cunning race in the world then how come Israel isn't the richest country in the world?
/mena/ - /مينا/:
/fr/ - El francohilo
Nepal in Western media
Why do Germans and Americans hate each other?
Best region in Italy, don’t @me
Are whites coming back to their true nature at last ?
Zig Forums in first century
Is it possible to have platonic female friends in you're country?
She could be Moroccan, Pakistani, Iranian, Turkish, Egyptian, Tunisian, Saudi, Afghan, Yemenite, Syrian...
Sverigetråden - drottningsupplagan
When you know the post is going to be shit before you even read it
OG Gigachad
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Holy shit, white guys really do get the best looking ethnic women
Christianity the religion of peace
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
European cities
Where did they come from?
If unmarried women are called "señorita" then why aren't unmarried men called "señorito"
When will the United Kingdom break up into the independent countries of Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England?
What about ANTI-WHITE racism ?
/lat/ hilo latino
Cuckstamp country n°1 and n°2
Russian beaver edition
Not one single friend
I am the best looking Chad on this board
Is there really a difference?
/ita/ il filo
Why do they get bullied so much on Zig Forums?
Why people here pretend that modern egyptian are not much related to ancient egyptians coz of the arab rape even tho...
50% of Swedish population lives in flats!
Hey fellow diaspora intcels, have you posted any epic bbc memes haaha white people SEETHING right
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Does people in you're country care about it's history that much?
Why are they so nationalistic even though they‘re a third world poophole whose history consists of getting subjugated...
Is this really how Americans see the world?
How are you planning to raise your daughter(s)? will you follow your countries customs?
You wake up in China
How do we violently kill every single French person on the planet? Looking for serious suggestions
Have you ever received a blowjob?
/lang/ - language learning general
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & 𐎼 𐏁𐎹𐎱𐎠
/fr/ - le francofil
All bear -ić surnames because they all used to be -oglu's in the past
Could these pass as local in your cunt?
1. your country
Just letting you know. we will not tolerate shit you did to our ancestors if you try it on us
Sverigetråden - Polisupplagan
1) Your cunthole
/Sverigetråden/ brinner upp -upplagan
Prove you're not a blind hater and say something positive about America
Tfw tiny baby wrists
So, as some of you may know, there is a Zig Forums equivalent in South Korea called Ilbe:
Should Swedes be banned globally?
How do I make up for being 1m65/5'5 ? I'm 26 and people think I'm a middle schooler
Give me 1 (one) reason why i shouldnt filter them all
Your country
/wochenende/, später wieder /deutsch/
China 1.4 billion
Oh no no no whitebros
Antifa and Turkish nationalists (Grey Wolves) are fighting in Vienna
Spike in new corona virus cases has caused panic buying of toilet paper in Melbourne AGAIN
If you come to my country(Norgay), without respecting women and LGBT rights, you will get thrown out
Why are german girls so underrated?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Brown hands made this kebab for me
/ita/ - il filo
I refuse to bring a child into this world
Daily reminder that in 1940 Romania(20 million) had more population than Turkey(17 million)...
How advanced is your country when it comes to paying for things
When are they going to unite?
/fr/ - le francofil
Are the Mods in your country fucking retarded?
Sverigetråden - /fa/ upplagan
How is Margaret Thatcher remembered in your country?
Anyone else live in a country where all the main political parties are fucking retarded?
Do boys dress like this in your cunt?
Yes, I'm gay
Thank you France :)
What is so wrong with female clitoris?
Do you use credit card or cash?
How come nobody told them
Why does this happen often in america?
Which one is cringe and which one is based?
Beautiful women
Itt : third world feels
Why russian alphabet is the best looking alphabet in the world?
Do you admire western civilization? I do
How is your country's space program coming along?
What racial slur is there for japanese people?
Hilo /esp/añol
/v4/ + friends
What's the difference?
Imagine being this insecure
How are you holding up today?
Burns roof of your mouth
I want to find love in Russia
Why aren't you in a union Zig Forums?
I SUFFER in my wealthy first world country!!
/cum/ - canada us mexico
/ישר/ - /Ισρ/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת בלוז כנעני
Paint bucket thread
What’s the real purpose of this board?
Yup, I'm thinking based
Kurva anyátok
Evropa is lost my brothers
Wtf germans
Why do Asian people like little girls so much?
How come Koreans drew cats like this in the 18th and 19th century?
Wtf bros I thought racism was the bigger epidemic
/lat/ hilo latino
Is your country an Xbox or a PS5 country?
Was Pingu popular in your count?
Go to Germany for a conference
European grocery stores make me angry
Is being culturally or technologically stuck in the 90s only a 3rd world thing?
Why Can't Australia Conquer The Desert?
/SAG/. South Asia General. Haldi Edition
Every American TV show or movie are getting censored
Are euros proud of raping the world?
Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says
I don't see why Russians complain about Russia being bad...
European building thread
Is dog ownership common in your country?
How to overcome the shame of being Indian?
We've got a long way to go
How big is consoomer culture in your country?
Do you like Italian-Americans?
Are you getting along with female coworkers in your workplace?
This is a Russian meal that I ate in Vladivostok
Entire world takes economic hit in order to contain the memeflu
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Are women hypocrites in your country?
Worst posters on Zig Forums, i need to start using a proxy so i dont get lumped in with these retards
Life in Russia is better than Brazil
What lies in their future?
About to finish my major in chemistry
Your country
Dude I freaking love CANADA, everyone is so nice and POLITE, and we got TIM HORTON'S and heckin' FREE healthcare!
What is your country's equivalent to Walmart?
Korea thread
The great debate
Favorite region and why?
/lat/ hilo latANO
Most thirdies on Zig Forums come from upper middle class families
Yes, I shop at Wal-Mart
My country has no close friends. No brothers. And a father that rejects him. Alone in this world
What is this called in your country?
How would you feel if you discovered someone was masturbating to you without your prior knowledge or consent...
/fr/ - le francofil
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Which one of them will break from America first and go to China's side?
This says a lot about our society
Choose your destiny
Why is "jewish" considered a race/nationality? its a religion so why...
Is China really socialist/communist?
Which Latin American country has the best food? Which one is the worst?
/lat/ hilo latino
Uhh Americans, are you OK?
Why is it Latin-Americans seethe so hard over the fact Americans call themselves Americans and everyone around the...
Why does everyone want to attend university in California?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2422.22
Do americans really?
Why are euro terrorists so iconic and even heroic compared to mena terrorists
Why don't they just unite?
The year you were born
Live in a city with a large Italian and Arab population
Diaspora Thread
Muslims of Zig Forums, what are your thoughts on Quranists?
My country? Yeah, I'm thinking it's based
Portraitai faces of Zig Forums
She is 14 and you are 19!!! You fucking pedo!
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Are Nord-Med relationships considered interracial?
Post the elite region of your cunt
Americans have no traditional clothes
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Fiskeupplagan
Why are females on interpals so shallow??
/SAG/. South Asia General. Amba Haldi Edition
Ask a northern portuguese (a real one from minho) things about this forgotten part of Portugal
Post parts of your country that are universally despised
Do average french citizens want the rhein back?
His country has had a female leader
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Sweden will be governed by the far right soon
Hello sweeties, I'm the blonde girl and this is my handsome, charming, angelic boyfriend! Do we cute together...
>I thrive in Spain
/nordmed/ thread
ITT: Post your current weather
What else do you browse beside /int?
1984 was not SUPPOSED to be an instruction manual!!!!
I wish to move to the US so bad holy shit it's so depressing here, what's the best state to move to?
Shitty American Education Culture
This is the head of "BLM Denmark" (she's a massive racist and a scammer, but that's another story)
Why are europeans such vile, toxic, and complete pieces if garbage that should be removed from this world...
Say with me: Russia is based
What do failures in your country do for a living?
Are you content with your life?
Japan faces a dire crisis in these modern times. Indeed...
What can I buy in your country with 24 euros and 60 cents?
Is Argentina more Spanish or Italian?
Why is there so much anti-white racism recently...
Has Zig Forums ever dated a black girl before?
El Salvador
Sadly this is true
Why do they leech off the EU?
/esp/ - Hilo español
Amazon has been in the Netherlands for 2 months and I've placed 47 orders since
So how did you non-native English speakers learn this language?
One of these countries is the best country in South America. Which is it?
Tfw no californian gf
Sverigetråden - kattupplagan
What... did you just... say that 17 years 364 days old girl was... attractive??
Do you know any native american? What are they like
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine