How advanced is your country when it comes to paying for things
F tier = you still use cash
B tier = you use credit cards
S tier = contactless phone payment
How advanced is your country when it comes to paying for things
F tier = you still use cash
B tier = you use credit cards
S tier = contactless phone payment
S tier = abolution of the value form
I never used a credit card or phone payment in my life
What tier is it if your debit cards have contactless?
I use cash or debit card
B and S have spread a lot, but I'm personally stuck at F.
We have both B and S tier but I still choose to use cash.
>not using cash
Enjoy getting buttfucked by the state and negative interest rates
>i live in a corrupt shithole so everywhere else must be like that too
i only use debit card or apps, cash is thirld world tier and credit is stupid
Credit cards are pretty popular here