enslaving barbarians edition
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just bought "together for victory" on HOI4
i'll play it till you cunts come
Meds were manlets compared to germanics. This drawing isn't very accurate
good morning /med/
how can i better cultivate and develop my inner med, /med/?
so far I have replaced 80% of the red meat in my diet with seafood, i've moved back in with my parents and i berate my gf after every meal because she doesn't cook as good as my mum
and the white woman would be hairy af
In general yes, but there were BVLLS as well
Not an entirely bad thing.
This is how every brown haired, green eyed germanic person was created
you still need to eat meat son
based and comfy image
yesterday i played a lot of mus with the lads and drank a bit too much of pacharan heh
Wish my life was as comfy as theirs.
what are you guys eating?
not eating pork is very unmed
at least eat some ham
And? they still managed to steal the sloots regardless, so what's the prob?
i had a toast with olive oil like two hours ago
it's a bit too early for lunch, but i am trying to get a table in a good restaurants since it's my parents wedding anniversary
She sounds like those russians that try weapons and meals.
Exactly my first thought, on average Roman soldiers were 5'3. The germanics of the time were 5'8. Very likely the Roman centurion would be only a couple inches taller than the German maiden.
The drawing is of a woman though? Germanic women would have still been shorter than med men.
unironically might order some pork gyros later today
it'll be a quiet sunday
Not even in Nazi germany. Most soldiers were around 5'6", 5'7" that was the average height in WW2, men in antiquity would have been even shorter.
Men in antiquity weren't that short, i think you needed to be at least 1,7 to get in the roman legions for example
They would have been much shorter on average than modern men that's 100% for sure, again even back in the 50s men were shorter than they are now. Not even the Dutch were as tall as they are now, centuries ago. Vikings would have been short compared to today's men too. They were not giants as portrayed in the media, they were much smaller.
Vikings are like shit, but men in antiquity were taller than most people until 1800
Men in the world didn't drastically shoot up in height until the industrial revolution
Fakin he'll cunt this shit be retarded for real
Wtf going on
besides the DLC that let you kill h*tler rebuild the glorious Kaiserreich was the best
So nineteenth century, as I said
Where my imperivm niggas at?
Best RTS
That is one retarded looking bitch
The guy is far over her league
Check this nigga out:
hair on legs/pits = instant turn off
>tfw no barbarian bf
Is this better than age of empires?
Yes, moustaches too.
I don't mind hairy arms, cunt, and buttcrack.
But ideally everything would be hairless.
same, based
Oh shit, med BVLL confirmed
It's different, you don't build nothing on this game and you add units to a commander yet you still manage them individually but can still make formations
I prefer it over AoE but that's because of nostalgia
>brown manlet general