Most thirdies on Zig Forums come from upper middle class families

>most thirdies on Zig Forums come from upper middle class families
>most firsties on Zig Forums come from lower middle class families
Really makes you think

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Zig Forums thirdies are all cringy cucks. should all be gassed.

Source: OP's feels

You're chinese using rent free

Lower middle class here. Would go Mao on upper middle class.

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Upper middle class here

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Wrong, i'm from a lower middle class family.

I'm one missing paycheck anyway from being considered poor.

Thirdies on Zig Forums will never know this feel

>most thirdies on Zig Forums come from upper middle class families
I wish. I am a literal poorfag living in an unfinished small unpainted brick (the third world kind of brick) house in the middle of nowhere, and even I have internet here. All around me is just empty land, mountains, some cows and horses and a few unpaved dirt roads. The nearest (rather small) city is 1 hours away I don't know why firsties think internet is a commodity here. In the last 5 years, internet access (be it through broadband internet, satellite internet or mobile data) has become pretty much ubiquitous here, except of course, in extremely remote and innacessible communities. I work as a programmer, however I barely manage to live since I live alone. Nowadays, every normie and their mothers have internet access here, even in far away provinces. I have broadband internet, although it is shitty (4mbps), it is acceptable. Can watch 720p with barely any buffering, web browsing is decent, and etc. I want to get a better plan but I need to earn more first. Honestly, in the third world, internet is pretty much necessary, as it offers a way to escape the grim and cruel reality of living in a shithole. I pretty much grew up on the internet. I found this site as a young teenager. It has certainly helped me learn english, to the point where I can hold decent conversations to save my ass (can't get rid of the spic accent though, since I barely even talk.).
So yeah, don't assume every thirdy here is from an upper middle class family, I am pretty sure most thirdies are actual poorfags like me (no offense). I wouldn't be surprised if there were latin anons shitposting from literal mudhuts.
Thanks for reading my third world blog.

all i know is that no one on int was born out of wedlock and that's all that matters

I live in a favela

Not really, there are a bunch of favela brazilians here on Zig Forums

the "middle class" is a myth the middle class is actually poor.

i read

This. Even my village has internet.

>The nearest (rather small) city is 1 hours away I don't know why firsties think internet is a commodity here.
>I barely manage to live since I live alone
Fuck I should have proofreaded this before posting, now every firstie will laugh at me.

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i have 2mb while war torn kurdistan has 30mb
our isp is just shit i spit on it

internet is good , how else are we going to listen to music

>Honestly, in the third world, internet is pretty much necessary, as it offers a way to escape the grim and cruel reality of living in a shithole.
so much this. movies n tv shows made in first world countries r my favourite forms of escapism.

I read your blog. Hoping you get better opportunities.

So what are you then? upper middle or lower middle?

Interesting perspective into thirdie life. I always thought Panama was one of the better off Central American countries though

I'm regular middle class

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I was born into a poor family, but by the time I was in high school we had climbed into middle class. Now, as an adult I am lower middle class.

I'm middle class

You're too harsh on yourself. I didn't even catch your mistake until you pointed it out. I know that you meant that you are able to survive because you are the only person you need to support with your income.

Even the Panamanian version of 0n isn't cringe, unlike ours, amazing.

where in India you at, and are you poor though?

not entirely true, met a lower middle class guy in Sierra Leone on this website, it was on r9k, but still

It is, indeed, one of the better Cental American countries. Specially if you are in the city, hell, there's even a subway. However, a shithole is still a shithole. This is one of the better shitholes in Central America. It is actually a good place for tourists and retirees. The standard of living is good... as long as you can pay for it. If you are a firstie considering a visit to any central american cuntree, you are welcome here, I am sure you'll have a good time. It is a beautiful countrry, good looking women, no need to worry about being killed or robbed (as long as you are careful, but you should be fine since touristic areas have magnitudes more security than the rest.) and the food is okayish.

Thanks, you are right, I am too harsh on myself. Life has made me rugged.

Thanks, you too.

Thanks, parcerobro.

I live in a house of federal workers and we're lower middle class. The kind of lower middle class that gets buttraped by taxes and is too rich for scholarships but too poor to make ends meet.
I learned the basics of english on public school and developed the rest of my skills by watching endless hours of western movies and 2008 YT. The only time I ever got private english classes was for a month. Father paid inscription and a month and since it was fucking expensive he thought the initial fee covered the whole semester, truth is he only paid a month and I had to quit.
I had a 9.4/10 GPA on college but I always got denied of scholarship because the stupid ass government has a priority on single children living at the outskirts of town, regardless of the proven income of their household. The government uses our parents taxes in order to measure wellbeing and I got the short end of the stick because they're the 35% of citizens with formal jobs who can't avoid taxes. The rest of informal workers may he filthy rich and at the eyes of the government they're poor because they live afar and don't pay shit.
This, among other reasons is why I hate this retarded ass country and its brutally braindead government. I'm totally ok with the state for turning its back on me but ever since I have use of reason all I can remember is getting buttraped by those cretins.