When you know the post is going to be shit before you even read it

>when you know the post is going to be shit before you even read it

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Go back Korea.

Ching chong nip nong.

i love how the insult jap and korean posters like to use the most is to accuse you of not being white.

>Ching chong nip nong.
Japan have no ching chong word.
You Korean are real ching chong.

well honestly white australians are going to be a minority in their own country this generation so it's not that far fetched to assume he's a kimchi with a cuckstamp

Why do Japanese women hate Japanese men?

They don't.
Most of them worship Japanese men.

Is that why they spread their legs for every foreigner willing to chat them up in broken jap? They always complain about Japanese men too. That they aren‘t very gentleman-like and expect their wife to babysit the husband‘s parents.
Your women loathe you.

tbf, only ugly jap women racemix