How do European cities without electric poles install 4G and 5G antennas?

How do European cities without electric poles install 4G and 5G antennas?

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They are installed on top of office buildings and apartment blocks.

Rent free Davido faggot

rooftops and the side of buildings

This. For example here is one not far from where I live. There are many more but usually you can't see them because they are on rooftops.

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we don't have 4G and 5G where i live

Then why do you have corona?? wtf

i don't.

meant for sorry.

It's a joke about retards thinking G5 spreads corona. They actually burned down several 5G towers because of this.

4g and 5g causes pneumonia

tell me where it is so i can stay away from there

Here its usually hidden

Like this one in clocks

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Or fake chimnys

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Everyone with a Facebook account should be hanged on the highest tree to protect society.

My mom believes that shit too but she doesn't trust Facebook either. Doesn't use her real name there and stuff. But some random retards on Youtube are 100% credible sources of course. God I hate boomers, they are absolutely not ready for the internet.

lol okay, the router sitting in their home is more dangerous than mid-band 5G though.
americans cause degeneration of intelligence.
can't survive on LTE?

Or a fake tree

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Why can't Korea into underground cables?

rakes too long to load data on my phone, i like going into nowhere and i like getting wasted and watching youtube, r&m or other stuff there.

Hardly worth the massive cost, really. It would be like tearing up European CBDs to make room for more modern city planning.

Where do you live? I'm rural and I still have 4G and optic fibre

The concept of paying for scenery doesn't exist in Japan
Our cities are destroyed at all by earthquakes every few decades
These are dirty from a distance, but from up close these are clean and no garbage

>4G and optic fibre
That kind of blows my mind, desu.

Unless he's living in Lappland I don't think it can be considered rural in the same sense as in Australia

i can get 4mb/s on HSPA+ though, that's more than enough for youtube.
in lappland but not saying exactly where lol.

Fiber is everywhere, the big problem is to get it all the way to your house/apartment. The building I live in has fiber but the apartments are connected with the same 70s phone wire that was there from the beginning -> VDSL.
Boomers with money don't want to pay and the rest are too poor to own anything.

It's in the south. 20min drive to the nearest small town, 1h to a mid size city.

This is the 4G coverage in Spain, and most of our country is a barren desert lol.

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fiber is more expensive in a city than rural. much more stuff, cables, plumbing etc just to dig up one street. while in a city you can just use phone data. this is a poor result in my area

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And they say Germans don't have a sense of humour

Funny story. Does your country broadcast parliamentary type hearings or meetings between the government and other parties? Here in Australia, our parliamentary question time has a radio broadcast and one evening I was listening to it for some reason or another.
It was a few years ago and there was an argument regarding fibre internet infrastructure and the future of the Australian national broadband internet roll out. A member from the government was arguing that the future is wireless internet towers serving the country as opposed to expensive fibre optic networks. A member from the opposition party rebuked that the wireless tower technology would have to be served by a robust fibre infrastructure regardless and the government members exploded into a rabble of booing and accusations of changing the topic. It made me laugh manically as it became just how clear those with political portfolios have been tasked to oversee sectors of the country and economy they have absolutely no fucking comprehension of.
It was a laugh or cry moment. I later found out that the politician obsessed with wireless internet has business relations with a company that manufactured parts for the towers, so there was a clear financial interest but complete lack of the industry he was investing money and a conflict of interest in.

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Thats "4G plus" speeds, in f*nland you quickly drop to the plain old ~80Mbits 4G when you get around a corner.

Not what I know of but I definitely recognize the part about politicians overseeing areas outside of their expertise. Our prime minister is a fucking welder lol

4G coverage is extremely fucking good in Norway, both Telenor and Telia

this honestly looks like an accident waiting to happen. You won't see any poles with electric cables dangling down here, at least not in urban or suburban setting

>the plain old ~80Mbits 4G
I have full 4G coverage but dialup speeds during the day and peak speeds late night/early morning where Youtube automatically sets to 360p and even the best Steam or Google Drive CDN speeds may approach 2MB/s (so I guess around 18Mb/s) for a few minutes before it drops down to 1MB/s or lower.
Had no idea that 4G was capable of getting remotely close to 80Mb/s down.