just letting you know. we will not tolerate shit you did to our ancestors if you try it on us
Just letting you know. we will not tolerate shit you did to our ancestors if you try it on us
okay sirgay
Funny thing is that white people are the least racist in the world. The whole united People of Color thing is an ivory tower wet dream that has nothing to do with reality on the street. In America NOBODY would side with black people in a race war. Certainly not Asians. Hispanics generally hate black people in places where they live in proximity. Even black people would generally rather live around white people. They know who is most likely to rob them. So bring on that race war Jamal. You will wish you had moved to Liberia.
I unironically hope that black man will take his revenge on colonizers and Am*ricunts especially the latter.
The Mexicans are the only ones who might actually do that. Blacks will just continue to complain.
Blacks fuck themselves up more than anything lol they are just attacking the only people keeping them alive
ok so what if I'm a black racist then?
I hate jews so goddamn much
im scared
>Funny thing is that white people are the least racist in the world.
this, unironically
In Mexico they dismember people,so guess what white boy?!
he kinda cute
wait what? russian flag acting non white? in Zig Forums you guys screech about muslim immigration in west europ countries and act ""based"" for (you)s
>East Slavs stand firm in the defence of white world
Divide and conquer, Pajeet. Divide and conquer.
they just trying to provoke americans
At this moment in time, there's nothing I'd like more than to be an American white man, armed to the teeth, ready to shoot whatever nigger steps on my property.
Black americans believe European people are all soft. Kevin Garnett would purposly target European players because he knew he could physically dominate them easily often it was med, Slavic and Turkish guys he was doing it too
>we are not our grandparents
yes, we know you are whiny bitches compared to them
Every american at least 1/4 black or asian so you have to join us and fight against RACISM.
>Kevin Garnett would purposly target European players
Nobody cares about non-contact basketshitball for pussies. Only rugby matters and black suck in it.
Hi snow bunny.
The countries that don't play it don't have black people on it.
But the NFL has guys who are far more atheltheic and stronger then right players. Pic related is 2.07 meters and 130kg
Racism is not an oppinion. That's why all white skinned pipo need to be gassed as fast as possible..
lmao this nigga got MOSS growing on his head bruh niggar
Wtf that guy is real? I thought uncut gems was fake
>The countries that don't play it don't have black people on it.
Wut? The USA plays it.
>far more atheltheic and stronger
Because they are just steroid guys. Rugby has strict WADA rules.
>Pic related is 2.07 meters and 130kg
But most linemen in NFL are white. And I suppose linebackers.
Lol thats not even close to being close. Don't know where that comes from when the one drop rule is still a thing
>if you think that we are uncivilized apes we will act like uncivilized apes
lol blacks are like 10% of US population
and most of them aren't these racially-charged freaks
>white people are the least racist in the world
lol at negro military