Estonian Lives Matter

Estonian Lives Matter

Attached: policeman-hitting.jpg (600x422, 137K)

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That man did literally nothing wrong
yet he was beaten with iron bars
but he still BTFO the finnish nazi cops

Yes. He did nothing wrong, yet Finnish fascists cheered for the cops. I hate this country.

dindu nuthing eesti bro eesti lives matter

Who would win

One Estonian mushroom seller SAMURAI
4 Finland police

>Why Finland police fuck Estonia
Because you criminals do business in our country without a license

It was a moral victory for Eesti

>this is your brain on ylilauta

he did not pay taxes on those mushrooms

On Ylilauta Finns argue about what region is more Estonian
We hate Swedes that much


Attached: mushroom seller.jpg (1280x720, 29.69K)

Doesn't mean the police get to beat him. There were obviously communication issues and they should have called the Estonian interpreter to come over. Terribly incompetent the cops in this country.

You know that's not true. Are you some kind of an ACAB-jonne? nothing would have happened if he had not begun to rage

all cops are bolice :DD

>Terribly incompetent the cops in this country.

Cringe. Finnish police is unronically top tier. That guy was some ex special forces and that's why he didn't react to the pepper spray. And he was obviously making a scene, not the police.

I don't know, but it seems to me if they were doing their job better then things like link related wouldn't be as big of an issue..

And let's not forget Aarnio either.

I stand with Estonia

If they didn’t do their job well then that wouldn’t even be known and intervened

>And let's not forget Aarnio either.
One dirty cop. Woah, like the world isn't full of them.

>sell mushroom
>ättakked by FINLAND POLICE

Attached: samurai.jpg (500x500, 32.35K)

One dirty cop isn't surprising. What is that this one was the head of an anti-narcotics unit.
There may have been more police involved in that, although I hope not.

Good point though, but if they did an even better job, those things wouldn't even be able to enter Finland. Although that is an extremely difficult job considering even the most dystopic of governments can't limit the spread of drugs.

>What is that this one was the head of an anti-narcotics unit.

That's like a textbook dirty cop.

And yet, nobody noticed for such a long time?

We are talking about Finland where nothing like this usually happens.

come to brasil, it's exciting

Too many Estonian immigrants posting under Finnish flags these days

Or where nothing like this ever comes to public light. May as well be a possibility.

Possible yes, but very unlikely if you know how everything works. Usually the reason why police officers get involved in criminal activities is to get extra cash. In the nordic countries, the police earn so well and organized crime is so small-scaled that the profit compared to the risks are quite poor.

True. But yet it still happened. Strange.
It does not matter to me anyways, I will be out of here soon. Even so...things like this destroy the trust people have in police force.

why do finland nod respect loyor. I thought this was Evropa