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International #1260
I'm scared of Jupiter
So What type of grills do you usually attract in ur cunt?
Why has Blacked.com been demoted on PornHub?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
I like music
Hilo latino /lat/
Tired of living on a random island what country in Europe is the best for Anglo immigrants
I am going to finish this thing now
What the fuck is wrong with millennials?
Why is it "Hecho en Mexico" but "Fabricado en Espana"? Who's in the wrong here?
Which school uniform do you like?
Mama and Papa
What would you do if your son came out as gay? What if he came out as transgender? Is there a difference...
Which are you?
Do girls in your country ruin themselves?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why are they so obsessed with guns? Seems really autistic to me
1. your country?
We are Suebi
Portugal is NOT a white country
Zig Forums boys look like this!?!
What's your colour?
Damn... Now THAT'S powerful
What will Zig Forums name their children. Im thinking f its a boy either William or Cathal
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Does this happen in your cunt?
How many times a day do you pray?
/ita/ il filo
All jokes aside, what the fuck is their problem?
Greetings from Russia, guys!
/hodenbadegruppe/ ehemals /deutsch/ manchmal auch /nachtschicht/
Hilo latino
Walking through the mall
Our first acid attack!!
What a surprise...
Those who trade freedom for security deserve neither
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Mexico more like Shitxico
Sverigetråden SD-upplagan
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do you get upset when you see a white woman with non white partner?
Do you say gigachad or jigachad
Hello brother I want to ask whether you sell hallal mea
German architecture
What do germans feel when foreign people start talking about Hitler around them?
Imagine not being able to drink your tap water but still having the gall to call yourself a first world country
He had to learn English
Hilo latino /lat/
Am I the only one that wishes they were american
Did you know the Greeks declared a war to defend Buddhism?
/lang/ - language learning general
How racist are you?
How rare is your family name?
Bros... I feel sick. What do Germans feel when they see this movie? What do Slavs feel?
I've hugged a girl today
His country name has "Y" in it
At a house party
The japanese don't even look asian anymore
Post countries you want to re-exist
France about to Nuke Turkey kek
/ita/ - il filo
Does South Africa actually have any hope of being a decent country??
I am worried about him lads
/fr/ - Le francofil francophone
Can you pass an 1870s literacy test designed to stop black people from being able to vote?
The criminal justice system in japan is fucked
""he"" hasn't had sex yet
Der Schrecken weiBer Frauen - /deutsch/
Why do Spanish here insist so vehemently that they are NOT white...
The US is going to collapse because poor people keep buying things they can't afford to pay off and taking out loans...
Will be in power till 2036
How do i befriend people from these flags?
Looks do not matter. If you have decent personality...
/cum/ - Canada Day Edition
Sverigetråden - Bondeupplagan
/lat/ - hilo latino
Are Mexican Americans really despised in USA? Why? They work hard and are deep catholics. Apart from being brown colour...
My internship pays me 3.9€/h for 2 months to work on a database
Why japs are so good at taking creepshots ?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/deutsch/ am Abend
/esp/ - Hilo español
Visit spain this summer pleas
How are dutch women like?
What is your favorite type of German?
Rate this movie
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/ il filo
>Bulgaria is not Southern
I don't like racism
The paradise on Earth does not exis-
Gilles de Rais fought alongside Joan of Arc
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2425
I like Poland
Do people eat lotus root in your country?
130 000 dead americans just because of one orange potato so incompetent to handle the flu
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sorry r these refugees or identitarians
What's your BMI? My BMI is 34
This is the gun I used in the army
Me breeding my nigger sex slave
Why do browns, blacks and asians act like if dating a white woman was a kind of trophy?
Say something in French without using Google
Asian men has no ga-
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Sverigetråden - Episka gustavsupplagan
What is the most common ethnic pairing in your country (excluding matching ethnic)?
UK will honor passport promise to eligible Hong Kong residents
Sum up America in one picture
If you were forced to pick between these countries?
America has taken another step towards adopting the Zig Forums style guide of writing BLACK in all-caps
Japanese zoomers prefer to date with a White girl
They took this from you
Ban anime. It's making everyone gay and transgender. Fuck Japan
Americans, what will you do when the country collapses?
How are you improving yourself during quarantine, Zig Forums?
Are you aware there is some giagantic faggot that has a instagram page where he posts screeshots from here jsut to get...
/fr/ - Le francofil de fer
Kurva anyátok
/ita/- il filo
Japan should change its name from 日本 to 大日本
Candidate of Tokyo Governor Election 2020
Oh no stop it is way too spicy
I've heard people say Indians are so ugly that they feel like vomitting when they see us
I will become most famous urban planner in EUROPE after i finish my study
A conversation between father and son in 2020 America
Mfw high school bully died in a car crash
Bakir sıÇanlar edisyonu
Greece to Germany
Is age gap normal in your country? Would you date a younger woman?
Why can't Serbia annex all former Yugo states back?
What goes on here?
Sverigetråden - Stockholmsupplagan
Spain and Portugal re-open their frontiers
Wtf Japan
Why do indians love this website so much?
What the fuck is their problem?
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
Do you think German have superiority complex?
White lives matter
Why you say Asian aren't masculine
Why are white women such liars?
The Chad Mainlander vs the Virgin Hong Kongolese
Dokdo is historically and culturally Japanese territory
What are you living for?
USA to hit 46k positives in one day
Check bank account
I miss them. Do you miss them?
Yes. I wasn't Conquered
Learning german or french makes you seem cultured...
Why do most countries have an inferiority complex about Italy?
This is America
Well? Do you have all three?
/fr/ - Le fil français
Sverigetråden - TV-spel är dekadenta och skadliga för ungdomen
The only good unit in the German army that has any combat experience is being raped by the government
I'm the biggest loser on this board
/ישר/ - /ИЗP/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת ספח את ליבי
We Are The Oldest Country In Europe
Which region of your country has the hottest women? here it's California by a landslide and it's not even close...
Are you going to purchase PS5???
Ah yes, The so called "Americans"
Is your country anime?
How often do you go to the dentist Zig Forums?
White boys look like THIS?
/brit /
Start mining somewhere in South India
M-maybe Hans really needs some extra Lebensraum, eh?
Xyz though
Is your country preparing for a potential war with China?
/med/ - olive oil general
Which flag & emblem looks better?
50% of zoomer Anglos are homosexual
The coronavirus didn't start in China
Kurva anyátok
Why is Ukraine the way it is?
Italy is overrated. Fuck your dumb food you dago bitch...
How come Europe likes China more than the US?
Which culture has the best traditional music?
/v4/ + frens
/ita/ - il filo
Happy Canada Day!
Why do some latinx vote against their own racial interests?
I don't know how to do basic calculus
What is it with latinas
Hilo /esp/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
(((They))) took this away from us
To whoever tells me to ''simply'' convert: Islam is not a mere religion, or even a culture. It's like an ethnicity...
I notice that French girls tend to keep a short strand of pubic hair while other Western women shave it all off...
Uruguay is actually white
How do I not make a not shit resume if I only worked one job in my life and it was 3-4 years ago...
/lat/ hilo extracto de ranita
Do you kill your local communists, Zig Forums?
Are these a thing in your country? Why are they so addictive? I just went through a boxful
Caucasians, by enslaving negroes for centuries...
I hate salvadoran women, well, dislike, they're unattractice, entitled and bland
feel immense shame and regret about my past
Neo-commies support immigration
Is your country preparing for upcoming Chinese agression?
Do you browse this place in public?
I do not get it
It's okay to be white
Aside from bandeja paisa, what's Colombian food like?
This man goes to your country and eats its street food
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What is the max age you find acceptable to play videogames?
Why do people say Dominicans are black?
Male illegal, female legal
Why is Brazil like this nowadays?
Why can't they accept they have african blood?
Be diagnosed schizo (like real schizo, not internet meme schizo)
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/lat/ hilo anime mas rápido que el otro que iban a crear
Argentina appreciation thread
Australian flag proposal thread
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry in your country?
Did you serve in the milotary?
Is it over for them?
Why are American women so soulless?
Do you live in a tutorial mode cunt?
Are you handsome
Be Gookcel
Anglo first name
Would you Zig Forums?
I’m a leftist and a white nationalist at the same time. I don’t know what to believe. My country has destroyed my mind
Unification when bros?
This is a 10/10 in england
What's considered like being ultra poor in tutorial countries?
Hilo latino /lat/
What are their best and worst states?
Japanese sleep in public
No you are wrong...
LMFAO wait what? I thought European countries had more history? My local Walmart is older than this
Why could Britain rise to the superpower?
What do you think about racism?
Latin American people
How is online dating like in your country?
Post racist and normalized stuff from your cunt
Why are so many gooks uncle toms?
Your cunt
How do we help Japan improve their English?
Will you come to Trinidad for our Carnival?
Britain's greatest creation
Look up when belgium was founded and then look up when germany and italy were founded
Brazilians claim that Brazil is an European country and get angry if someone calls them a Latin American country
American churches look like this
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Birth rate It is starting to drop almost like Japan or Korea
/fr/ - le francofil
This nice painting by Ivan Aivazovsky was done in celebration of privately-funded American food aide during a famine in...
Volksdeutsch, ehedem /deutsch/
Tfw gay KHV
What are some popular tourist countries that you never want to visit? For me it's Spain
Hilo latino /lat/
Europoors be like OMG its 32 degrees out! Its soooooooo hot!
Do you believe everything you read on the internet?
How often do you masturbate?
Zig Forums has the most unfunny basterds on boards.4channel.org
I still remember this from time to time
Whitoids actually eat this
If only Deutschland looked like this still
Help me brus
You can nuke any city in South America, which one do you choose?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ (but mostly /est/)
He doesn't live in a light-green zone
Unironically why are indians into technology...
By the time white people are bred out, the rest of you will be left in charge of a dying earth...
Circumcision prevalence
1. Your country
How much was the Russia currency valued before the annexation of Crimea?
Perfect countries don't exis-
This is the fate of Hong Konger men in the west
I'm pretty fucking tired of living in Russia...
He suffers
/lat/ hilo latino
Million fucking years since the partitions
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist
Your life could be worse
/ita/ il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
At least we're not speaking german
Is China spiraling at this point? Are they TRYING to make the whole world hate them?
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Are we really the worst tourists?
/fr/ le francofil
Caucasus Hate Thread
Sverigetråden - rolig apa
British colonialism is over
Ameridumbs live in a capitalist economy where every type of service is for-profit and then are surprised that wealth...
Why are Europeans so beta compared to Americans?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
All debts and monthly payments aside, would you do with $1000 USD (converted to your local currency of course)
I fucking hate them so much. legit would genocide every single european without any remorse
/Cute Boi/
How come economic and political union of 27 countries couldn't surpass just 1 (one) country...
Your country
Why didn't we occupy France wehen we defeated this faggot...
Would she be considered pretty in your country?
Is everyone on this board obsessed with Black girls
I often fantasize about one thing : having a foreign friend listening and enjoying some music from my country...
What are some meme degrees in your country?
Damn...kinda hot bros
Would you race mix with an Anglo?
Scotland is mentioned
/lat/ hilo de la conejita
/ita/ - il filo
He actually thought his hard work would pay off someday
I'm an unironic latamboo
Your cunt
Be American
Let me step on your flag user, teehee
How the fuck did the blue team win?
Damn, New York state sounds like hell on earth
What went so wrong?
I want a beautiful European gf lads, it isn't fair
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I swear to fuck if I ever find this Brazilanon I'm gonna blood eagle his faggoty ass
Why are white anime fans like this?
/fr/ le francofil
BWC... interracial sex... anime
Why are people worried and fretting about China when they're so poor?
Jus sanguinis is fucking ridiculous...
Why do they think we're similar to them?
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Amerikanska upplagan
Britcucks can't be based and redpille-
Are finnish boys really like this?
One chance at life
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
You may only post ITT if you are roman
Really want to trigger a Brazilian?
Croats are just catholic serbs
Tell me about them
Post the real borders of your country
Why is Australia so much more politically conservative compared to canada?
Ugh, this is what Spain IS about
What would be the capital city of these regions of the world?
Do you love China?
>this scares and confuses the foreigner
Why are nordics always so supportive of their governments?
Sketches used by the police in the USSR to identify suspects based on race
Someone post the one where a russian soldier gets raped by Jomon
Japanese game
Why are they like this? I’m asking as an SEA
Why does this piss off non-whites so much?
What went wrong?
Eyes of Zig Forums
Are we fucked?
This average guy with this absolute model
What do other Europeans think of them?
Sverigetråden hänt-i-vecket -upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
ISIS has nothing to do with Islam
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
race mixing is ba-
International Music Thread
Brown vs Blue Eyes
Is math degree a meme in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil à table
Holy fuck
Is Duolingo trying to brainwash me into a pedo?
Quick user, you have 5 minutes to draw borders on this map without causing another Balkans chimpout!
Is it true that Japanese girls sell their used panties and bathwater?
Country iq
Read portuguese
You wake up in Volgograd
Are you unemployed ?
I distinctly remember being 7 years old, at the YMCA, and asking my mom why mexican people, especially ladies...
Why are women disgusted by race fantasy?
Post 'em
/ita/ - il filo
Would you marry a black girl Zig Forums?
Hokkaido Thread / 北海道スレッド
How are the police viewed in you're country?
Russian posters don't know shit about their own country...
How do you write 1 in your country?
Why are german girls so tall?
Why would the star pilot of the KLM risk his career?
How to become Vedist /desi/?
/lang/ - language learning general
How do I stop being attracted to men, Zig Forums?
Zig Forums, what is your profession?
Why are there so many Indian porn with White man Indian woman?
I want to eat this so fucking bad
What's the class divide like in your country?
Are east Asians good fighters...
Heya Zig Forums! Do you like anime?
/ita/ il filo
That’s it, summer holidays in Siberia
Would you marry a devoted catholic girl from inland rural Spain?
/ישר/ - /ИЗP/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת הכנה לסיפוח
Estonian Lives Matter
Reasons to love France
Would you ever join the military?
Biweekly reminder that French Fries is a Dutch invention
Do you want a qt Okinawan gf?
Montenegro officially opens the final negotiating chapter with the EU
Sverigetråden - Steget efter
I want to purge all christianism and european culture from Latin America and turn it into a unified ethnostate that...
Why is rehab or therapy not free in Europe?
/hotaru/, auch /mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Islamophobia? What? I don't fear Muslims.. I just want to genocide them lol
Did you know frogs eat croissant-shaped morning cereal?
Why are Arabs so lazy? Any Arab with any kind of money wants a maid, cleaner, au-pair, gardener etc...
Is saudi arabia a developed country? their HDI and GDP per capita seem to be first world tier
Why yes i am Spanish how could you tell?
/fr/ - le francofil
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine