>No you are wrong, let me explain you why you need to support socialism instead of a mixed economy in your third world shithole >You see when I was studying at my first world university I learned that us first worlders have white privilege and you have internalized racism >You need to decolonize yourself and stop listening to those white people and listen to these other white people >You need to stop eating your traditional food and eat this soiy based diet >Your country must accept our LGBTQ+ and Commie liberal policies or else you are a latino macho >Don't forget to donate to my philanthropist organization that has child trafficking scandals
Why are first world leftycucks like this???
Are they like this in your third world shithole too???
>Commie liberal Pedro, go to school before talking about politics.
Kayden Gray
Jose Peterson
you are not white
Adrian Hughes
I think you're talking to an American or a chi
Angel Stewart
why have they always got wider hips than shoulders
Tyler Ramirez
Liberals are the SJW leftists in America.
Jack Jenkins
whats your point spic?
Parker Thompson
>tf >tp Kek, as expected
Leo Perez
>tf >tf
The usual suspects kek
Benjamin Ross
>Pampered rich mexican feeling cornered inside his crystal crony tower Don't forget to start threads on why your country can never succeed because everyone but you is poor and brown. That'll really show people what a great citizen you are.
Chase Sullivan
Hi leftypol tranny
Hunter Johnson
Also >Goes immediately for the race bait
Lol, commies really are subhumans
Ayden Wood
>black trans lives matter this is pretty funny considering how much it triggers people like tariq nasheed
Noah Carter
I understand entirely, mexibro. I'm puerto rican, almost chimped out when some white pussy boy said "latinx" near me. Deserved to get his fsggot heat beat in.
Owen Martinez
dont most chicanos also say latinx?
Cameron Gonzalez
>>You need to decolonize yourself and stop listening to those white people and listen to these other white people
Oh the biggest irony is that this is literally the whitest god damn ideology ever.
That ideology that's obsessed about white people and thinks they did everything amazing? That other one that is obessed with white people and think they're the devil? All made by white people. It's two sides of the same coin. And funny enough they're both right at the same time, yet refuse to acknowledge that but rather focus on nice stuff only or bad stuff only.
Austin Peterson
Latin-x sounds like a member of the fucking X-Men. Why do they want language to be so fucking awkward and stupid? If anything just call everyone "latinos" and be done with it.
Chase White
Absolutely not. Its some made up shit by white kids in college or children of Hispanics who never learned Spanish but try to identify with it for some reason, literally the "muh heritage" meme. Hispanic has no race in the Americas, its all cultural, and the bar starts at actually speaking Spanish.
Wyatt Rogers
white women are going insane in the US. they need boyfriends and husbands to calm them down.
i cannot stand them. and i have a few more: >yes, our countries are the responsibles for most of the damage done to the environment, but you cant damage yours because i will internationally sue you >no, you must not propose death penalty because i have read a philosopher borned in a tutorial country that said it was pointless and didnt really work. and no, i wont stop buying drugs from your cartels >you must accept gay marriage or i will start massive protests every month. yes i do know gays dont really marry in your country, but i will still fight for gay marriage in your country >criminals still have human rights you know? this is why i will invest millions of dollars in institutions to protect them instead of crime prevention. and yes, i do know this is you country and you didnt ask me to do such a thing
Alexander Cruz
Nathan Wilson
>and no, i wont stop buying drugs from your cartels
This one bugs me. You know all those costumes they're pissy about? They are all for their stupid drug parties. Feminists are often outright drunks or pill poppers. Cocaine is popular as hell among rich kids.
I go so far as say you can't be a moral person if you buy cartel drugs.
Full legalization and decriminalization in USA is going to be huge impact.
Jeremiah Ramirez
typical leftoid, you call their bullshit and they show their true colors
Mason Bailey
>commie liberal it's one or the other, not both, retarded cunt
Brody Taylor
>gay marriage isn't legal >gays don't really marry Dumb salsanigger
What are the conservative/liberal political parties over there? Why are there so many of them? Which is which?
Aiden Harris
That's not mixed though. Since the 80's we've collectively swung way too far into free unfettered capitalism. You can see right where things started to go bad.