Dokdo is historically and culturally Japanese territory

Dokdo is historically and culturally Japanese territory.

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heh, nothing personal, kid

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(verb) to pour fat or juices over (meat) during cooking in order to keep it moist.

I thought asian nations were enlightened and above petty territorial disputes but they're just as autistic as us

where did you get this impression from they are even more autistic about it

>davido-kun's only area of interest
>actually they don't know nothing about us but this is how they protect them

Rightful Kiwi clay.

retard alert


Ma'ale Dokdan, also known as as Tel-Shikma, is part of the promised land of the Jewish people

Don't you mean Takeshima?

They’re probably more autistic about it than anyone else

Who cares about a rock in the middle of the sea anyway?

At least you recognize its real name :^)

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>t. he lives in a rock in the middle of the sea

Why are Koreans so based?

unfortunately korean work culture is as shit as japanese work culture though, if you wanna get ahead of japan stop with the hellish work culture

Dokdo is serbia

Still mad about Comfort Women, huh?

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based people do not abandoned their own cunt

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Then why don't you call them Takeshima?

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Watch this video.
"The Ultimate Reason Why Takeshima is Japanese Territory"

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I still don’t understand why Europeans are so afraid of work.

>why yes, i just drew a line across sea of japan and reclaimed the territory of glorious south korea by killing all the filthy japanese inhabitants that had been living there, what gave it away?

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oopa dokdo style!

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