Is it propaganda?
Why do they think we're similar to them?
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user, I... I've got some bad news for you.
because you are, literally usa but colder
Unless you're from Quebec or New Brunswick you're literally Diet American
Canada is pretty similar to the parts that aren't Mexican colonies yet.
If you don't say "aboot" you are just a thinner american
You're the little brother :)
Arr rook same
I saw some Quebecois ina video once and they were wearing baseball caps, stretched out T shirts and cargo pants and I immediately knew them to be US Americans in culture.
you’re literally identical to midwesterners in most places and Vancouver and seattle are basically the same place
The entire Canadian idenity being "Nope we're definately nothing like our southern neighbors" is so funny to me. You're an American, leafbro, I'm so sorry.
it’s definitely cope
Nope, you're the one coping. There's a reason why our ancestors didn't unite into the same cunt
Holy shit you’re serious
Cope, not an argument you barbarism American
I know like 4 canadians and they're identical to anyone I could have met in the USA, albeit with a little brother complex chip on their shoulder and more smugness.
By the time Canada was a thing, we were already holding the crown in contempt. Why the fuck would we want anything to do with you in 1776?
Dude you're wrong.
Reverse. We held you in contempt as barbarians who hated order in 1812 if you could have you would've kept some territory
>According to Statistics Canada, 61.3% of adult Canadians were overweight or obese in 2015.
What did you expect?
You're petty much the light version of America.
You're pretty much the lite version of Algeria
Unironically yes, they did a lot of fucked up shit to loyalists which they've buried under mountains of lies and propaganda
My favorite stat to reveal to canadians kek, country full of fatties larping as non-Americans.
I consider Canadians more similar to Brits than Americans.
There's less difference between someone in BC and Washington than there is between someone in Washington and Georgia.
The border has no cultural meaning, its purely political.
You're America but colder and with less climate and city options.
Reminder that Canadian law requires a set portion of TV and radio to be Canadian created content so it isn't all 100% American like it would be naturally
The UAE is even more fat? Are they Americans?
CFL also has laws on how many Canadians have to be on a roster
unironically this
The reasons were economic, political and social and those reasons don’t exist. there’s more difference between the former confederate states and the former union ones and there’s not much difference there.
you just say you’re different because everyone hates americans. you’re like an old teacher who tries to be hip with the youth... embarrassing
You should have that law, stop our musicians from ruling your charts. Imagine the most popular musician in your cunt isn't even from there LOL
Polynesians are by far the most fat, but there aren't that many of them.
DESU we've deluded ourselves into thinking that obesity is a problem restricted to a certain country or certain regions, its a major problem throughout the Western World and Middle East
And they all move to America lol
Even Drake has dual citizenship
and yet you can’t even tell they aren’t americans... almost as if...
His father is American, anyway cope you've been leafed culturally speaking
Name one (1) difference between the US and Canada
hard mode: no >muh healthcare
ITT: Canadians seethes about their identity crisis
>Spanish is more relevant than a Leaf
>leafed culturally speaking
That's an oxymoron.
Canada's climate is far worse.
Here if you hate your climate you have several to choose from, Canadians can choose between cold, colder and rainy and cold
Face it, you're going to be in Latin America soon if not already
Cope. You've been LEAFed the whole time and you didn't know it. Even some of your most popular sports have leaf origins behind them
Mexicans are cool though, they just want to work hard than relax and drink tequila
Have fun becoming China
This thread reminds me of an old joke I once heard.
What's the difference between Americans and Canadians?
Only Canadians give a fuck about the difference between Americans and Canadians.
>becomes Latin America
>still more relevant than Canada
You're not helping your point here.
Canada should be part of the US by now and it's ridiculous that it's not. Canada has not one distinguishable characteristic other than a soft resentment/disdain towards the US and were willing to murder our soldiers twice to preserve this "heritage".
Sure, but if you asked every person in the world where Basketball was invented 90% would say the USA
You mean redundant
This thread is not about relevancy, who gives a fuck about that it's about culture.