If only Deutschland looked like this still

If only Deutschland looked like this still

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It's funny how americans won the war but now they're basically german

American congressional districts are better
Its going to be even better next year after New York democrats pull off gerrymandering and erase AOC's seat

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*vomits in Frisian"

europe would certainly be better off

they were more german before the war

HRE was based, I agree. Aachen is the rightful capital of Europe by the way.


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based extraflags gentlemen

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The thought of reducing Italy down to Germany's level makes me want to puke

HRE isn't really a Großgermanium fantasy, it's autistic in a different way. It was actually this big and it's way more federalized than the Großgermanium fantasies.

>Reducing Italy to not being a chaotic shithole
They could keep the olive oil and whatever, chill out, Leonardo Spazzanoli from New Jersey

Yeah, true, there's definitely a difference, objectively spoken. But I think people who go "Man HRE was so based" and those who go "Ugh... what could've been..." are basically the same.

can't you believe this gigantic clusterfuck almost never got mentioned at my history class?
I had to learn all I know about it from the internet, a vast majority of Peruvians most probably don't even know it existed
fucking hell

believe it or not I think we didn't mention it either in history class
we barely talked about political history or world history at all, we mainly focused on domestic German societal issues, for example how people lived in a medieval city, the reasons for the industrial revolution, societal changes during the 19th and 20th century etc

shut up cuck

Those borders. German autism never ceases to astound.

that's the opposite of autism you giant retard. autism is stuff like US borders that are pure squares.

Happy we sorted this out

You'd be surprised how much we talked about it in our history class: Almost not at all. I think if I asked all 15yo's in the country, the percentage of those who knew the HRE existed would be around 25% at best. We didn't talk about Karl der Große at all. It was mostly about the reformation and "Napoleon came and ended the HRE that had existed for 1000 years lol"

Yes, we got taught more or less the same stuff
Why is it like that? I think the empire was of utmost important in the development of crucial moments in human history, like the Reformation or the Enlightment

worked out well for you

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well, when the great Premišl came down to free us at last, it was a lousy Swiss count and the king of Hungary who did the dirt work, so I suppose you're right.

It's autistic, but way better than having only straight lines as borders. In a way, it's very soulful. And the different cultures... I prefer it over being a centralized state. However, it obviously became a nuisance later on. For example, the 10km I travel from my home to my uni would lead through 3 different sub-countries today.

90% of our history course time in school is about the GDR, the Nazis and maybe the Weimar Republic if the teacher is feeling generous.

Watch your tone when you speak to me, Kraut. I'll quickly hop in the Lancaster and deliver a 4000lb present to your mudhut

why are bongs so obsessed about WW2?

no you won't, you'll be arrested for not having a "being white" loicense while your entire family gets sold into paki sex slavery.

>paki sex slavery
sounds like a lucrative business

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