Do girls in your country ruin themselves?

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Poland is the world capital of whores. All women are whores, doesn't matter what country you live in.

her father died from corona didn't he. leave her alone please. she literally did nothing wrong.

People like you are the reason why women will continue to be whores. I spit on you

stupid whores, they fuck and fuck and fuck, dick here dick there, they reach 30yo and the men who fucked them want younger sluts

they kill themselves or they live alone with stupid cats, when they die the neighbors notice it when they smell the rotten corpse hedor

that is their destiny, lonely old whores mummified in front of their fucking TV, flies everywhere and brown corpse juice

>There are a fuckload of women that have done at least one porno and you wouldn't even know it because it's just one obscure video in the middle of millions of pornos.

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You got it wrong. Eventually they settle down and drain some betacuck out of his earnings
That's the worst part of this shit. Either she has done porn in the past or will cheat on you in the future

Way to thumbnail save faggot

how do you guys know these things? do you have her social media or something?

Yeah but when they reach old age they are lonely, their children hate them, their beta husbands die

when they are an old lonely whore they think and think and think instead of fuck fuck fuck, those moments of thinking are literally hell, how pathetic was their fucking lives being semen containers

what the fuck do you mean leave her alone. are you implying she reads Zig Forums? dumb fuck simp


I guess this is a fit punishement for them. Those moments of torment before the reaper takes them.
Believe me when I say that you only have to come to Poland and be foreign to fuck any whore

Well, I know where I'm traveling when corona is over; thanks for the tip

I just read it on here. found the thread:

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Poland, here I coom.
>Ruined herself
She seems to be doing alright. Plus her father was rich. I don't think she wants for anything material, emotionally yes, but who the fuck cares about feelings and shit?

They slash their wrist to collect attension

A wealthy man dies trying to make a legacy while his only child becomes a barren whore I can only assure he failed as a parent and paid the price. Did the Dad know what she did?

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alright what is the actual deal with this chick? all I know if she made some porn despite her dad being a billionaire

That's all there is to it.

That's a pretty banal observation, bro. And not anything that ruins them. An actual example from your country, IMO, would be girls like Aya Hirano being involved in a sex scandal, or idols talking openly about their sexual encounters.
She did like 3 facial abuse videos the day she turned 18. She says she's been fucking since she was 14, that she did so every weekend, that she wanted to be with a man, I think she mentions overprotective parents a little bit.
Basically, every faggot that wants a tradwife's nightmare, in the sense that he marries a girl with a past like hers, thus becoming a cuck to all his cool Zig Forums bros, or that he is an overprotective fuck as a parent and makes his daughter a whore.

yes, but unironically the women I've met in STEM that're from overseas have standards and aren't whores. If you know any whores you'll notice how much they seethe when they see a girl who is intelligent, somewhat modest, and refuses to mingle with them (usually Indian, Korean, sometimes Arab, Slav).

Women should be slaves, meant for menial labor and child bearing.

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>cancels you
Sorry sweaty, not today.

Oh, and I forgot to add: Streisand Effect. Her dad found out about that shit and used his money connections to take her vids down. He failed, of course.

Wait, she has other videos other than the Facial Abuse one?

nah in the future you can use facial recognition to look up your frens porno. hot

No, she has 3 facial abuse vids or something.

>check out this link with a proven way to cure the virus that experts don't want you to know about btw

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all w*men should die to finally let humanity evolve

I went to a private school full of rich toths, they don't have overprotective parents they are spoiled brats who are only happy being rammed by a dick on account of being acostumed to getting whatever they want

I did as well and my generation didn't have overly protective parents, but they knew how to set boundaries. It's a fine balance between freedom and letting your kid know the limits of what they can do.
Kids younger than me have parents that just let them do whatever they wanted, and the kids are the type that drink and fuck every weekend. Still, the biggest slut I know is some insanely rich girl that went abroad to study, never went out unless her mom or dad were with her, had to go to church every sunday and take those faggy little sunday school classes, and when she went to college she started doing cocaine and fucking everyone and everything. A shame too, she was a real beauty.

She looks cute and innocent :3