
Clapham Edition

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That's the point of "blue" labour

>no where in this country is actually value for money
why even live

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just started a unlimited point unlimited time limit bot match
this is what having no friends is like

When is the stock crash gonna happen lads? Need to know when to invest

Nah man, I totally think music has a spiritual element to it

What's it all about then, de lads?

shut up virgin

subedition ranga

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This post appears to be an automated spambot.

imagine voting for Labour only to mock and vilify the working class.

An automated spambot would do this?

Imagine being this much of a music chad

Attached: music chad steve lamacq.jpg (2560x1707, 442.19K)

my fidelity 'folio is up 6%


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Yeah if only there was anywhere in the country that wasn't in a city.


Love her voice, hate her face desu

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>its chilli and sea bass, retard

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absolute shite world we live in
wouldn't care if they didn't claim to be a party of the people
they do it so much and so often
very subtle sometimes
maybe this is what microaggresions feel like


Like the stuff he plays but Christ he has a face for radio

>'mid-30s tubby numale professional that is '''into music'''', has an apple watch and thinks going to gigs is a hobby: The Radio Station'

Attached: 1200px-BBC_Radio_6_Music.png (1200x504, 47.87K)

factually incorrect m80

there's nowhere worth living it that's not a city

when you find out the irony of this you'll be feeling a bit embarrassed i imagine x

One conversation about music to your girlfriend, spouse or lover -- and Steve Lamacq would have her bent over and screaming in sensual pleasure

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Mum and Dad having a row, so Mum decides to tell Dad every shitty thing I've said about him in what I was told was explicit privacy and confidence.
Now I will never be able to trust my mother again and my dad is going to silently hate me, if he doesn't come up and beat me. Great.



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t. Oasis fan

I find the goblin look that radio djs have comforting for some reason.

he looks like a proper bad boy here

large up my Brixton massive

I drink 5 nights a week and take 2 off

>trusting women ever

have been making serious gains in the ol' 'ock 'arket
sort of wondering if it's at the peak especially if we go back in quarantine in like a month

Enjoy Steve Lamacq and Lauren Laverne but cannot fucking stand Radcliffe and Maconie, fucking dross cunts. Hate 'em.

Got my delivery tracking number, just got processed in the Docklands (the London one). Doing my part to support British industry.

All the good genetics went to his brain and thus his audacious intellect

fit girl who messaged me on bumble isnt going to reply to my reply it seems. literally looks like a game of thrones princess
god im such a boring cunt

Wasn't he in screwdriver or summat like that

this lad will be able to help you out

seen more meat on Chinese spare ribs

Oh, I stick to Clapham mainly. Brixton is a bit 'urban' for my tastes

t. Tarquin

Cuckolding You - An ASMR Roleplay

I've met Maconie, he's a nice man.

you're at least 10 years late on chav humour mate

Laverne is utter shite, talks like a radio 1 dj