holy fuck.
Capitalism BTFO.
Holy fuck
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No homeless people everywhere on the street? But who will I feel superior to?
>western traditionalist
i bet he's fat ugly neckbeard, also virgin
damn... you called him bad things...
most of them are really like that. don't get enough pussy? became an online turdtionalist.
it is Darwinism and it is based. weak must be eradicated and strong must survive and create future generations. if not humanity is doomed. that's why communism is destined to fail.
old commieblocks might be soulless and cramped inside but they are built to last for decades if not centuries
also socialist urban planning is fucking 11/10, all capitalsit developers care about is shitting out as many buildings in limited space as they can
Don't "left wing" us states have the biggest homelessness problems? Also are we talking left-wing as in "stalinism" or left-wing as in "government does some stuff"? It's always hard to tell with americans
based as fuark
Yeah i think this will be a Based from me
Right wing architecture
>state builds shitty non-inspired building that can be mass produced for cheap so you wouldn't live in the fucking streets
>"this is bad they shouldn't do this because they look bad"
>blankets are too cold
god i hate women so much
>unattended children roaming the streets with automatic rifles
top nut
chapotraphouse exiles are sperging out ITT lmao
why are commie trannies like that?
magapedes... we got too cocky...
trumpniggers are fucking delusional
There is no such thing as communism. It’s a destination you reach after perfecting State capitalism through the synergy of social, monetary, fiscal and financial policies.
Marx realised that State capitalism was a necessary step in the development of freedom for the human race, as in until we can produce or have the possibility to produce an abundance of goods and services to satisfy the needs of all, then a class society was here to stay . So capitalism itself isn’t a bad thing.
That’s why China has State capitalism with communist characteristics through a synergy of social, monetary, fiscal and financial policies. Nobody suffers because the state controls the economy for the benefit of the people.
Wow. All those people risking death coming over the Berlin Wall and talking about shortages and oppression were clearly lying.
Shanty towns have SOVL
what flavor of slav are you user ?
If by sovl you mean tetanus
seething chapotranny abomination
Known communist radical, Boris Yeltsin.
oh no no no
most homeless are mentally ill and/or drug addicts. the world is better off without them
They're not unattended, some IRA 'fighter' is about to blow their shit up
You look beautiful, sweetie.
ugly tranny freak
"Left wing" (as in, moderate right) States tend to have more people and especially Commiefornia draws lots of more.
I love this retard so much
hahahaha, 2020 really has right wingers on the ropes
Here in the Land of the Free our friendly, country loving homeless population has access to free, fast, high quality healthcare, and all they have to do is lie about their identity to hospital administration. Meanwhile in the Communist Principalities of Yurop even the richest Party Officials have 6 year waitlists for tetanus boosters.
1930 was literally modernity, wtf, lmao.
It was literally post WWI
anything post french revolution is modernity.
wtf, lmao
This is from Pyongyang. Communists have officially moved from greyscale to colour.
Homelessness still existed in Communist countries. The Soviets used to round up homeless children and put them in labour camps in the 1930s.
twitter trannies always talk out of their ass. The whole point of the site is to post le epic gotcha one-liners
>Venezuelans under socialism having to live everyday how Brits had to live for a couple of weeks in the midst of a six-sigma global pandemic isn't quite the own you think it is.
That guy is mega retarded.
M8 that guy is literally a right wing tradcel
traditional pre modern western civilization is literally modern day islamic shithole like pakistan or afganistan, wtf.
The problem is not the commieblocks themselves, but if the government keeps them well maintained or not.
That picture also has more trees in it than the whole London area
Not to mention that the Uk never actually had any shortages, things were just selling quicker than they could restock shelves.
t. shop manager
>North Korea surpassed Brazil
t.pakicel tranny
To be fair "modernity" has different meanings in different fields. In terms of philosophy, anything after Descartes is "modern".
The trees look dead desu.
Everything you said was completely wrong. A running theme in this thread.