I do not get it
I do not get it
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The argument that it prevents you from getting oxygen is retarded
It's an infographic listing arguments for not wearing face masks, which according to most reputable sources are effective at preventing transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
Americans need FREEDOM no matter what, it's their shtick without it they have no identity.
I feel like he's just taking the piss out of it at this point because none of the arguments presented in that image even make sense
>If social distancing works, you don't need a mask
This is actually true, people have made it clear though they'd rather wear a mask than social distance
Christ, Americans will never control the virus.
>Christ, Americans will never control the virus.
Boomers unironically believe a lot of this
okay but he can't seriously believe that people can't breathe out of the fucking things. There's already plenty of professions that use those masks as their work, if people couldn't breathe with those then they wouldn't even wear them in the first place. They aren't made of fucking lead.
People who believe those things want to believe them because it makes them feel special to know something that no one else does.
Where is the mask?
What is the white animal at the bottom left?
What is the purple tube thing?
He needs to label his stuff
he sounds like a squealing pig
The white animal represents Donald Trump supporters
It's ben garrison, he's 100% serious.
>Americans instantly made wearing a mask into a major issue rife with conspiracies
I wish I could vote for Trump to trigger the tranny libs
It looks cool why not wear it
>Masks? Nah bro that's child abuse.
>kids wearing masks is child abuse
halloween is CANCELLED
I'm a construction worker. I've been wearing a dust mask at work daily for years because of
>silica dust
>drywall dust
>fibrous particles
>metal shavings
And that's with safety glasses, a hard hat, and gloves. It doesn't bother me, and I certainly don't think my job is hard (I'm an electrician). Any healthy adult should be able to wear a mask all day long.
It sickens me that human garbage like this are my "countrymen". This has become a nation where smoking cigarettes, drinking, and eating lard until you get enough respiratory and knee problems to justify a handicapped parking permit is considered "exercising your civil liberties".
In America, wearing a mask while you're at the store is literally interpreted by some people as a political statement. These same people then claim they "can't breathe in a mask" and expect me to treat them as something other than a genetic dead end.
Let the virus continue. Let it spill into the schools and churches and whataburgers. Liberate America from the boomers and antivaxxers. Kill the fats! BMI war now!
imagine having to work in a grocery store with these people, starting fights with mask wearers because youre WOKE and quarantining is (((their))) conditioning
Why are they like this?
the fact that right-wingers are discouraging their fellow right-wingers from wearing masks proves just how smart they are.
I love how even Governor Abbot and DeSantis backtracked and said masks are important but Trump still won't budge lmao
Ben Garrison is an absolute smoothbrain, his repeated misuse of Don Quixote was evidence enough.
>masks block oxygen and suffocate you but don't block viral particles
What did he mean by this?
How do people still like Ben Garrison?
Is this really the Amerimutt mindset? No wonder their country will fall this century.
seriously is the right trying to kill people off?
Americans, especially boomers, have a really bad case of "Got mine, fuck you". They're already at the end of their life anyway so most of the time they just say fuck it and do whatever.
ben is old and busted
Zig Forums is a a DEES board now