>country iq
>your iq
Online IQ tests are bullshit, theres no way im actually this intelligent.
btw first tries only like pic related.
Country iq
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IQ is a cope
I speak 34 languages
Wew, never seen a sub 50 IQ before. Thanks for that, russkie.
It's a con to make you join the website or keep visiting the page. I scored 140 when I took one online, in reality I'd say I'm probably in the 110-115 bracket
You're welcome, krautbro *Puts away the mirror*
My IQ is probably around 240 or 250 due to the fact that I watch Rick and Morty. uwu
yeah i randomly selected answers just to fuck with the test, got that same thing.
i got 125 which confirms the one i had to do for my shrink so the mensa one is pretty accurate
i'll do it again to see if i get a similar score but i fucking hate taking these long tests.
Also pic related is what i accidentally clicked on trying to find my screenshot of the mensa test
>I speak 34 languages
Garbage isnt a language
I got 131 on this one, and ≥135 on a real one. Skipped the last few because time was running out and I felt lazy. It could be accurate, but it probably mostly depends on the tested sample and whether Mensa Norway actually invested some effort in finding a sample that is representative enough of the general population while creating a free and publicly available test. Making a decent IQ test is a lot of work and there's not much incentive to make a free one.
>80< IQ
131 i am not doing it again
bro don't speak like that please
you win
why hello there, fellow intellectuals
i did some other iq test posted on /sci/ months ago too
my brother
I remember once in school we had the PISA which correlates with IQ and I got a 119. Years later I took a proper one and got a 120 so that was pretty interesting.
This test is busted tho, scored a 133 which is way too generous
Fuck I can't even make my thoughts straight. I was distracted by everything my mind was floating around. Made it to 24 and skipped last 11 because I was out of time yet still got 110 tho. Is this some type of brain disease developing in me?
IQ is bullshit.
I have IQ of 130 with real IQ tests from psychiatrist. My country's average IQ is 87. I fucking suffer here.
>tfw 125IQ
I will forever be king of the midwits
Literally the 5'11 of intelligence
wtf r u smart noggers doing on Zig Forums? this is one of the most repetitive and boring boards on 4channel
thats the point, retards like us should absolutely not be getting scores like these.
which means iq tests are bullshit.
IQ is fraudulent pseudoscience
>establish Le Klub de Speciale
>make IQ test that gives you high score
>accept dummies into Le Klub de Speciale
>charge 200 € for membership a year
now you know why you score this high
it's certainly smarter than Zig Forums and the current state of /his/
and i'm neither a stemfag nor read 1000 year old garbage to post on /sci/(well there's the biomed generals, but i don't want to talk work-related on my time off) or /lit/
what else is there?
Zig Forums is zoomer shitposter, Zig Forums has shit taste
jokes on them, i'm only using their tests to post screenshots on Zig Forums
yeah, but still
if you'd be that smart you'd see trough the scam, yet idiots fall into the trap
IQ is a meme and nobody should take it seriously though
Everyone that does this test gets between 135 and 150. I personally got 144 and I'm definitely not a genius.
This is all a scam by mensa to get people to pay for their personal IQ tests
The thing's people who take online tests are used to this
amen brother
spread the word