Post 'em

Post 'em

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I'll start

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t. worked in Benelux

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Those borders give me a headache.

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I don't know much about the country I left grey.

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>muh israel

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Based friendly man

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t. Albanian American

>hating England but liking Scotland ,Ireland,Wales
Cringe,big sign that you've never met a celtoid

As an ANGLO I must confess that I regularly achieve a state of tumescence whilst pondering the sheer seethe that others have for us, but I most also admit to a sense of befuddlement at the claims to 'love' Scotland? Okay, the islands and mountains whereon not a single Scot lives are nice, but the Scots themselves are literally dumber, more alcoholic and drugged-up, less educated and poorer than the English, with Scotland also having a fairly uninteresting history and less rich history. Not to mention the fact that Scotland is a country where teaching a dog to raise its paw upon hearing the words 'sieg heil' can bring a criminal record, perhaps because it is the birthplace of freemasonry?

Genuine answers sought, if you please

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slovak quality

because euroids think it makes us seethe

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scots are anglos

Slovakia Mixed feelings

Hello Albanian American. How goes your day?

El charnego, seƱores...

This is by far the single most based pic I've ever seen on this website.

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Friendship ended with Denmark

wait I changed it a bit

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