Why are white women such liars?

Why are white women such liars?

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can you incels just blow your brains out you dumb porn addled freaks


Roastie... post tits.

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Holy mother of simps

because they're never held accountable for their actions

Imagine simping for an instagram thot

Imagine someone who looks like this letting you have sex with them.

2bh all women are

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lol you guys just hate white women because they prefer black men when they get the chance

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imagine getting a tattoo just to show your preferences
do white women really? everything just to get people’s attention

why do they have ass like elephant?

Kill yourself dog fucking whore


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I'm 100% sure it's always the husband that forces the wife to get those fetish tattoos. Americans are fucked in the head.

it's a lifestyle

Nah I don't think so. it's getting more common than you think for white women to date black men exclusively. pull up a random Afro club in a German town and check out the pics on Instagram or Facebook you will see around 60 percent blacks and 40 percent white females. and not the ugly ones. top tier white women date black men

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>when they get the chance
This is what I fear. They've basically got an unlimited supply of niggers nowadays.


His comics are gold

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you know that there is a board specifically made for "people" like you? and yes, the more black men immigrate to Europe the more common it will get

France is a great example for this. at least ten percent of the population is black and so basically all white women have at least dated one or two blacks in their lifetime and a majority of all female influencers have black partners. they pave the wave for the mainstream

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no they dont

Do doctors have a cure for your type of condition?
Cucking this hard must take a toll on your organs, no?

don't give (you)s to the t*rkroach tranny you retards

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two words: jia lissa

you want me to name more famous Russian actresses? or do you prefer amateur girls born in Russia that have videos of them breeding with black males?

>jia lissa
Her swedish boyfriend broke up with her because of blacked porn. Do west europeans really care about that? Lol

>broke up with her because of blacked porn

eh, so normal porn was fine for him?

You literally just had to look at her feet to see the truth. Feet never lie.

Honestly kys you retarded fetishist

> rage thread about women
> devolves in “all women love bbc”
> no surprise

You people need help

I'm Russian :) born in Nowgorod. I have watch all her vlogs and she totally fell for the blacked pill. seriously, she only seems to date black men or white girls now. I bet she doesn't even acknowledge white men as sexual beings.

I don't blame her. look at the average black guy. holy.

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Guess so.
To be honest - blacked porn is the most degrading type of porn. There is no coming back from that type of humiliation