Eyes of Zig Forums

Eyes of Zig Forums

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Hey OP

Attached: IMG_20191119_153705_286.jpg (1231x1091, 364.85K)

made for bbc (brown not black)
mine specifically

I'm posting pictures of OP

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god he's so cute, I want to cuddle and kiss him

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I know, he is cute af and I want to fugg him


Am I cute?

Attached: 1455c00934e71263d8416f6e2cbb3061.png (247x123, 22.49K)

how? I've been with girls (female)

Wait is he that fat


Attached: 46.png (815x1526, 711.13K)


get thrown of roof fag


God I want cum on his face while he's sleeping

God I want to cum on your face while you're sleeping

Why yes im obsessed

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I wanna wrestle with you in oil.

Attached: oil wrestling.jpg (511x713, 46.05K)

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who is this human hotpocket

Attached: ape escape.png (1042x419, 678.01K)

They are dark like my soul

Attached: golden_eyes.jpg (892x617, 271.46K)