Your life could be worse

Your life could be worse.

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Anime watchers are fucking disgusting in everywhere

It could also be better so I will neither complain nor be grateful.

Could also be a lot better

I love anime!!!

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he needs to put his head into a press and squeeze it horizontally to make it shorter and broader

Now THAT'S failing the genetic lottery.

What an unfortunate person.

If you like regular anime like One Punch Man or JoJo, that's fine.
If you mess with Moe anime, that means you are a friggin' loser. That's even here in Japan.

I hate faggots

i wont even make fun of him. tier

This is what vegan diet does to babies

>That's even here in Japan.
it's true than just 4 of 10 japanese persons watch anime?

this is why I support abortion modern tests can tell when a fetus is abnormal yet these stupid anti-abortion activists refuse to let people abort abnormal fetuses

Just how bad is the animepidemic in Japan ?

Me gusta ver esas imagener por puro morbo

Are anime conventions a thing in the Caribbean

Looking like that, I don't fault him for wishing to be something else.

Speak civilised you drug snorting savage

How do you know I'm not the guy in the picture?

>Me gusta

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Is anime a thing in conservative arab countries ? What about furfaggotry ?

I watch lots of different anime.

Yup. I never get involved in that though. But yes, i met a cosplayer not too long ago

you seem to be under the impression that conservatives cannot be degenerate. lmfao

why can't they just appreciate being men, and FUCK LIKE GAY MEN AS IF THIS WAS THE 1950s? the absolute state of tr*nnies

I'm just asking if it's a thing fag, I'm a furry and not a degenerate like the w*ebs

It could also be A LOT better

Is it hard to be a weeb in Trinidad?

>I'm a furry and not a degenerate

you shut up, he is a glorius aryan furry against the stinky weeb

Kemono or Western?

>regular anime

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