Would you race mix with an Anglo?

Would you race mix with an Anglo?

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I love English women.

I want a full Armenian.

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wouldn't be racemixing as Americans are Anglos

is that a male
i really want a deeper meaningful relationship

actually, the ethnical background will vary a lot from a place to another in the US, some place have lots of italian and other lots of french blood origin for exemple.

You can have a meaningful relationship with an Anglo but you have to be a top shagger if you want the relationship to last

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Mate, i'd racemix with anyone, so long as she's actually interesting, i have a good connection with, and not crazy.

I'm making my standards too high, aren't I?

>implying I'm not mixed as fuck already

Please come to England and fuck our women.

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You can't be a man if you don't fuck a slut at least once in your life

I would and I can and I shall

She is not cute

Would never even touch an *ngloid

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Yes, more than once.

Just sex sex sex sure I would, but i would absolutely not have a kid with an *nglo woman, what an abomination that would be

No, I'm not a coprophile.


Yes, please fuck our women.

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I cant get hard to white women. My dick only gets hard when I spot a Latina, Ebony or Asian women

Kys cuck

this girl looks almost jomon
so ok


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this is a fixture of int's culture. don't be an insensitive bigot.

Shes's so fcken cute and I bet she has a sexy british accent... fuck bros I want her so bad

England cries out for BAC

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wh-where the arses?

I'm sorry dude but that's how the cookie crumbles. Plus I dont think a half bengali/half white kid would fare well.

Do they? Why are you doing this?

Although british accents on a cute girl make my cock hard

yes, I have a wh*te fetish

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would have a family with a middle class british girl

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Eh what the hell if she has a cute English accent or even a cockney one I'll smash