Why are Europeans so beta compared to Americans?
Why are Europeans so beta compared to Americans?
>leaf talking about betas
fuck off cuck
Say what schizo retard?
Beta = thin?
Soy consumption is part of their culture
Americans are brought up in a culture of violence.
We are basically cucked in comparison.
Didn't receive proper school shooter training when they were growing up
Soy doesn't have the effects you think it has, stop thinking memes are the truth
Americans confuse self-discipline and levelheadedness with betaness. I gain nothing out of losing my cool while arguing with random faggots on the street about the Confederate flag, or whatever.
t. soy drinking Euro
What do you mean you don't wait for an opportunity to shoot your neighbor over a backyard dipsute? Are you a faggot or something?
lurk moar
if pussy euros recieved our proper gun and school shooter training that is mandatory for all americans ages 3-18 then they would not be such pansies. I thank god every day for my state issues firearm and mandatory training hours.
>I thank god every day for my state issues firearm and mandatory training hours.
THIS. I started handling guns when I was 7 and fended off 2 school shootings with it. Lord bless our second amendment.
>third world opinions
Most of yurop is made of nanny states that pamper their citizens from birth. With all the free shit like healthcare and school its no wonder they are such soybois they never have to work hard for anything. They even have to depend on us for their defense lmao. America stronk
>third world
It's just crazy to me how alpha Americans are in comparison to Eurosoys
>tall buildings
Oh i'm sorry, truly the poland of south america!
> self-discipline
> the people who don’t like to work
We are the product of frontiers men and adventurers, euros are the product of cityfags that love licking boots.
I wonder how many 40 something uruguayan furries were sucking american dicks for free when this picture has been made
Oh shit he knows
>euros are the product of cityfags that love licking boots.
inferiority complexes.
americans are sissies, they need a gun to feel safe