late night azn qt edition
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How were your school years balkanlars?
Will you find asian wife?
Or you dont want mutt kids?
Also if you're gonna want a new thread, then post shit bro.
Why do you hate me so?
Pls dont do this to me right now....
I'm currently not thinking about kids at all. Azn gf? Definitely on the bucket list. Although if I actually do fall in love, I wouldn't give a shit anyway. also I should probably rebrand myself to jap poster lol.
I don't. Why would you say that?
I was edgy af, but still chill, so I wasn't an outcast or anything. Also most boyos here are edgy to some extent so it's not like I didn't fit in. Although balk edgy ain't the same as west edgy I guess.
No fap is a meme bro. Use it while you stil lcan. You don't want to be a grandpa regretting that he didn't get all he could from his pp while it still worked do you?
>fall in love
Can't really fall in love with someone unless its highschool sweetheart and you grow up together into life.
At least thats what I think, I'm kind of romantic.
Good luck on finding one bro, you should go work in Japan and be in paradise.
What have I done to provoke such unwaranted hate and passive aggresivenes from you here Despite me posting 2 posts before huh, HUH?
Black qveens > insect gooks
Who was in the wrong here?
the soyboy turning away
Yeah but doesnt wanking too much also increase chances of ED?
>I'm kind of romantic.
I mean in the sense of actually wanting to spend the rest of your life with that person, the good and the bad, not some overhyped meme shit.
>Good luck on finding one bro
I mean i'm not set upon finding a nip girl to fit that role, but if do end up I wouldn't care about mutt memes.
>you should go work in Japan and be in paradise.
>work in Japan
fuck no, unless it's some meme industry or remote work, I don't want the jap salryman life, also idk if I'd like spending my life there the same as just visiting, I'd like to think I'm not an absolute retard in that regard lol
>Despite me posting 2 posts before huh, HUH?
I posted it at the same time bro, my bad, chill
Also I know you're memeing in general, but might as well get some posts going.
le birb
at least it's not the webm of the buffalo that gets bitten in the balls
I mean i ain't no expert, but using it and abusing it are different things though.
I honestly would never accept having kids who dont look like me aka racemix.
I would also never adopt too, If I waste a penny on some nigga it better come out of my ballsack and look like me.
Why didnt the little calf run :(((((
Up to you. I mean being with a different race girl doesn't mean you'll have kids anyway. i'm not set on that part even if I settle down here either.
I wouldn't adopt either though. Also both adoption and racemixing really depend, but if you don't want to risk it then definitely don't try it.
cuck genes
Also it could be worse. You could spend time and money only to raise and incel virgin freak. And, at the end of it all he'll just look like you to remind you of your failure, lol
I mean even if you fuck a bitch raw and nut and she gets pregnant it doesnt mean you have to raise the bastard.
Before that meant you get married from teenagers and thats it.
Now most of them abort or some small% are single mothers.
I have 2 friends who got a gf pregnant in early 20s and 1 still in highschool.
They got married and none marriage lasted more then 2 years.
One couple arent even divorced, she just left to her parents house and he lives like ergen drinking and going out
He will do just fine if he looks like me
True and true. Also, I don't abortion in most cases, unless you're absolute retards that can't into just taking a fucking pill. (regardless of how you feel morally about it, like even the health risks of having a vacuum shoved up you are enough to make you think twice, like how much of retard can you be.)
>They got married and none marriage lasted more then 2 years.
Marrying young, like before I'd say 24-25 is just stupid. (in olden times you didn't have a choice, and also you didn't have much of a choice to get divorced(not that that's really a good thing)), but marrying because you were to retarded not to get a bitch preggo, like bruh ...
>One couple arent even divorced, she just left to her parents house and he lives like ergen drinking and going out
And that's how you get absolute saphumans, whether they're gonna be junkies, tiefs, drunk, or absolute emotional cripples
Honestly if you were forced at like 16 to do that, and had no way out after at least you'd have an excuse, but modern day society allows you so much ways in which you can unfuck those situations ...
memes aside, you know it's not how it works
Many girls dont want to take pills, so you must use condom which thanks to my thick dick hurts and fucking blood cant flow down there, so you have to beg going in raw.
Divorce is 50/50, it used to be many domestic abuse cases because it was taboo and women had no option but to stay.
Im a simple man, end goal in life is having a kid, everything else is fun inbetween.
Unless he turns out a heroin junkie or fag hes ok in my book
>because it was taboo and women had no option but to stay.
Well yeah, that's my point.
.don't want to take the pill
I don't know, never been with a girl that didn't want to if there were any doubts (not that it's guarantee ofc)
also inb4 never been witha gril kek
>Unless he turns out a heroin junkie or fag hes ok in my book
Technically that is your purpose. But yeah you can't control the latter. Not that you can control that he won't have birth defect or anything, no matter how good of a match (depending on genes) you chose. I mean there's more than one case of great looking, healthy people getting literal mutant kids, so you never know.
That also reminds me of the back in the day way of thinking. You have like 20, 13 of them die due to whatever, you never know, and 3-4 of the rest are okay. The rest get wed forcibly to the reject of other people because that's what you do ... and voila, incel virgin freaks everywhere, lmao
Whats wrong nigga?
overrated, although oddly enough i like quite few of their songs