Why do people say Dominicans are black?

We are not black
We are tri-racial with black being the smallest part of us

Attached: dominican republic.jpg (301x167, 6.04K)

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>Why do people say Dominicans are black?

Cus we have eyes?

tus ojos no funcionan

Because you're black. I've seen your kind, a dominican kid I used to hang out with always talked about how other blacks were so dark, while he was "tanned".


We are not Black.
The average Black doesn't have Taino and Spanish blood

Look at Natti Natasha. She black?

lol yea she looks black to me m8

Yes. The fact she's speaking English makes her 10% more black than she already is.

No Dominican looks like this

Attached: Canva-Massai-Woman-Standing.jpg (760x507, 563.31K)

Natasha is part of the 5% of "white looking(not really)people in your cunt"

look at this bitch in my pic she a minority no one thinks yes this is the average guatemalan

Attached: gloria_alvarez.jpg (940x627, 80.71K)

Natti Natasha doesn't look very black at all actually. She looks like an average latina.

because you're dark skinned and annoying to listen to, and you are part african.

>average latina.
I mean, she is way hotter than most latinas but she looks like she's from South America.

LOL im lovin int tonight

Dominicans are 50%+ European, that disqualifies them from being black

Domincans suck

Haitians rule

Attached: 1593569519575.gif (128x128, 37.97K)

She kinda looks like Rihanna.

Attached: natti natash.jpg (518x450, 129.84K)

Natti Natasha looks like the average Dominican

I live in an area with black americans. They aren't nearly as European looking or influenced as us. We have more in common with Spain than we do with Africa

Exactly. We're more white than black

so the dominicans in this thread have established that they are not 'black' but do you guys carry on like niggers?


Not really. Blacks and Dominicans don't mix

que lo que es

carry on = act like
though usually carry on means acting like a dickhead

the dna contests that.
and yes, they do carry on like black people.

By the way your spanish is exactly like english and ebonics

The only Black Dominicans are the ones who are half Haitian or half AA

No it doesn't

Gib libertarian gf

my first internet gf was from dominician

Attached: yThNn9IkiBdbyQGb3QvimEWLuEEn8RdsdpzaDCaT8Wo.jpg (1080x1303, 197.33K)

>first internet gf

Attached: 1.jpg (371x353, 13.09K)

Why do Dominicans deny their blackness?

>yes, they do carry on like black people
could have guessed. why couldnt that other retard give me the answer i, and anyone else with a brain, knew it would be?

that's like saying "the only black hatians are the ones with african dna"
unless you are referring to a 100% pre-european native of the dominican republic without african or european dna (which does not exist on that island) then there is no such thing as a dominican race and you guys are all mixed.


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Yeah look at the harmonious Dominican-Black relations in NYC