did Zig Forums's ancestors serve in ww2? My grandfather served on the USS Dragonet SS-293.
my grandpa was a b-17 gunner
where did he bomb?
my ancestor :))) was an aviator who destroyed some German unterseeboots.
this is what I want to believe, at least.
Apparently my grandfather's older brother was a tanker in WW2 and got killed by the Russians on the Eastern front.
I saw no evidence of this, ever.
one grandfather here
and the other grandfather here, not really in the war but the aftermath
he bombed over germany and i have a pic of him or my other grandpa chilling in a jeep on the rhine.
the farthest I know about my family history are my grand grandparents
so I will just assume my ancestor was an expeditionary in Italy, or did bombing or navy operations in the Atlantic
Grandpa was probably banging some sluts to care about war
No, but my ancestors were in the brazilian NSDAP/AO, and a great uncle got in jail for having a portrait of Adolph Hitler in his living room.
Fuck Vargas and fuck the allied forces.
Great Grandfather was first in Normandy and later Russia where he was killed by a grenade.
Another Great Grandfather had a comfy life in ordnance but was taken POW by Russia so probably not too comfy
>nós era alemão Hitler e a merda
My grandfather was an illiterate peasant
now you are a literate peasant
GrandPa and GrandMa were both kids during the war.
Great-GrandPa (he's almost 100 now...) was, I think, a staff sergeant.
my grandpa was a kid in occupied france and when the GI's gave him chewing gum he didn't know what it was and ate it like normal candy.
Great grandpa 1 was for agricultural management in Czechoslovakia and even met Heydrich once
Gread grandpa 2 was on the eastern front and anheroed when he was home on holiday because they found a tumor in his body
But they were. I'm sorry you're a macaco.
My grandpa killed commie gooks (not the Canadian army tho)
My father's side was put into forced labor during war time since he refused military service
Mother's side was in a prison since they were known commie sympathizers lmao
Proud of muh ancestors :)
no all my european ancestors were in argentina by the 30s.
The thing their parents told them were
>German Soldiers? Fucking run away, ask no questions, don't cross them and don't eat the candy
>GI and Brits? Run and get headpatted sweetie
My grandma had a rough life though. At 14 her father almost beat her to unconsciousness because she didn't care of the baby she was supposed to watch over.
My Anglo grandad helped snitch on a bunch of German Nazis here and then helped kill them in a raid on the lakeside house they were having a meeting in. 10 guys were sent there with Tommy Guns to just shoot them up lol.
My german grandma said that American soldiers would throw Sweets at them all the time, but she told all her friends they were poisoned, so they refused to eat them and gave them to her.
I'm proud of her Favela Businessman tier instincts.
great granpa was drafted into boardguard division in 44, he was captured and escaped
drafted again but he deserted
fuck fighting tanks with a rifle only
My great grandfather died during the Spanish civil war. Never got to hear any war stories.
extraordinarily based. post pic
What side was he in?
did your grandfather survive the gulag?
We dont like to talk about that in my family...
do you have any urges to kill your relatives on your mother's side?
take a wild guess. grandma told me that he got brainwashed by Franco and refused to go to Puerto Rico with her and my great grandmother because he wanted to fight in the war. I don't see it like that. he wanted to fight for his country, even though he fought for fascist, but fascism is better than communist. would've loved to talk about the war with him.
My great-grandfather died somewhere in Eastern Prussia
here he is